| There's a battle raging in the fast-moving world of Silicon Valley. Like VHS tapes snuffed out Betamax… and CDs killed cassettes… the winner of a new "gold standard" for data is about to be crowned.
I've discovered a tiny company that figured out a way to make money from this new $10 billion market – no matter who comes out the winner. Here's how to get your share of the profits.
| |  | 12/10/2014 By Jim Fink  I know you're busy, so I'll get right to the point.
I've found a way for you to bank spectacular gains riding a new $10-billion wave in the data market.
The tiny company I'm about to show you has the potential to turn every $10,000 invested into a life-changing $214,290.
If that sounds too good to be true, I assure you it's not. Here's why.
Heads You Win, Tails You Win
You see, my pick is a tiny tech player sitting right in the middle of an all-out data battle.
And here's the best part: it doesn't need to win that battle to deliver enormous gains—it will make vast sums of money no matter who comes out on top!
That's why I love this company—and you will, too.
Stick with me to the end of this article, and I'll tell you all about the incredibly profitable market at the center of this brawl.
Even better, I'll show you how to get a FREE copy of an exclusive report I've just released. In its pages, you'll read all about the tiny $6 company that's easily your best shot at returning 2,042% … starting tomorrow.
I'm incredibly excited about this little-known opportunity, and I can't wait to get my new report into your hands. I'll have a lot more to say about it in just a moment.
But first, I want to show you why I think such a staggering gain is entirely within reach.
It all starts with…
A $14-Trillion Flood That's About to Be Unleashed
Something incredible is happening in the tech world. It's called the Internet of Things (IoT).
If you haven't heard of it, it's basically the idea that at some point, everything in your home, car and office will be connected to the Internet.
If that sounds like something out of the Jetsons cartoons from your childhood … it is.
But there's one major difference.
It's happening right now.
Consider: - Cisco, one of the world's biggest tech firms, says the IoT is set to explode into a $14.4-trillion market over the next 10 years.
- By 2019, it will be twice the size of the tablet, PC, smartphone, wearable and connected car markets … combined. That's an increase of 30 times its current size—enough to make it the world's biggest device market.
But here's the problem: most of this growth has been priced into the major players' shares.
That's why I'm so excited to show you the tiny $6 company I've found. It's set to exploit a small pocket of this tremendous wave. When it does, I easily expect its share price to double in the next year.
And as I said, the possibility of this company returning over 21 times your money is real. It's all thanks to the $10-billion "market inside a market" that most investors have missed.
Profit From "Supercharged" Wi-Fi
As I just showed you, the Internet of Things is an immense market.
That's no secret.
But as with every megatrend, there are smaller pockets of profits hidden inside that are often overlooked. Like the one research firm Markets and Markets says will grow from $269 million this year to $10.5 billion in 2019.
That's a stunning 111% compound annual growth rate.
The technology driving this growth makes it possible to transfer data 18 times faster than Wi-Fi. Imagine being able to transfer 1,000 pictures in five seconds … or downloading a movie to your tablet in three minutes!
That's what this technology does.
It operates on a totally different frequency than Wi-Fi, and it's impressive.
We don't have to bother with the technical details here, but suffice it to say, its goal isn't to replace Wi-Fi but rather to supercharge it.
And it does a tremendous job, so much so that 1.5 billion more devices will use this technology by 2018.
Enormous numbers like these led Janusz Bryzek, vice-president of Fairchild Semiconductor, to say…
"This will be potentially the biggest business opportunity in the history of people."
That's a bold statement. And for the record, I think he's right.
Tech Titans Gather
But there's one important hurdle that still has to be cleared: there's no "gold standard" for this frequency.
That's set up a battle between two powerful groups, with each vying to take over this $10-billion market.
One includes industry giants like Qualcomm and Microsoft, while the other boasts members like Panasonic, Samsung, Sony and Toshiba.
Why am I telling you this?
I just want you to know that when this many titans face off over something, you can rest assured the stakes are immense. Probably a lot larger than the $10 billion researchers estimate the market to be worth.
So who is going to win this standards war?
I say, "Who cares!"
Here's what matters: you win either way, because the company I've found is set to cash in no matter which side comes out on top.
How a Single Trade Could Turn $10,000 Into $214,290
My pick is a tiny firm that leads the market in high-speed data connectivity. Nearly a billion mid-range smartphones in China and India use its technology.
So when I say this tiny powerhouse has a long history of establishing its intellectual property as the standard, I'm not exaggerating.
That's critical when you remember there's a "gold standard" up for grabs in a booming new $10-billion market.
But here's what everyone is missing: this company is a player on both sides of the standards battle. No matter which group comes out on top, it has all the angles covered. That puts it in virtually a no-lose situation.
What's more, this tiny genius is only trading at 1.4 times sales—$4.59 a share—which makes it a flat-out bargain right now.
But it won't be for long.
When the bigwig analysts connect all the dots, you can rest assured there'll be a flat-out rush to get in.
It could very well become an acquisition target, too … and recent takeovers have set a very high bar for what companies in this market are worth.
That simply means there's a very real possibility this company could turn every $10,000 you invest into $214,290 if it gets bought out.
How to Start Your Millionaire Journey
As I said, I've put everything you need to know—including my pick's ticker symbol and price to buy under—in a new special report called "The Tiny $6 Tech Stock That Could Make You Rich."
It's yours free for taking a no-risk, no-obligation look at my Roadrunner Stocks advisory, which brings investors "megatrend" opportunities just like this month in and month out.
The Internet of Things is growing at a frantic pace, and even as you read this, fortunes are being made in this stunning new $10-billion market.
I want you to grab your share of the riches—but you must act now.
Go here for instant access to my brand new report.
Editor's note: Jim's done his homework, and he's not kidding when he says this tiny stock could explode for a 2,042% gain.
Just imagine the financial freedom that comes from banking a winner that massive. You could buy your dream car … take your dream vacation … help your grandkids pay for college … and still have money left over!
But you must act quickly. All it takes is one news story to light the fuse and erase your shot at maximum gains.
Don't let this incredible opportunity slip by. Check out this exciting new report now. | |  | I've discovered your one and only chance to get in on the ground floor of an exploding $10 billion market. There's a turf war being waged by giants like Qualcomm and Sony for this highly lucrative slice of the Internet market. At stake is a new "gold standard" for high-speed data. And I've discovered a $5 tech stock that's set to profit no matter who comes out on top. Early investors have the potential to turn every $10,000 invested into $214,290. Word is starting to leak out about it – so I wouldn't wait long to get the full story. You can find it here.
| |  | 12/10/2014 By Chad Fraser  $3.8 trillion.
That's how much consumers and businesses will pour into technology and telecom services in 2015, up 3.8% from this year. These are the headline numbers from IT research firm IDC's annual tech sector forecast, released last week.
Of course, you should handle any predictions for the fast-changing tech sector with care. But if you're a tech investor, IDC's annual numbers are still worth a look, even if only to get a bird's-eye view of where the industry may be headed.
New Technologies Set the Pace
IDC sees nearly all of the tech sector's growth coming from what it calls the "3rd Platform," which includes mobile devices and apps, cloud computing, big data analytics and social networking.
But these technologies are doing more than just spreading; they're hitting a key point in their evolution, according to IDC chief analyst Frank Gens:
"The industry is now entering the most critical period yet in the 3rd Platform era: the 'innovation stage,'" he said. "Over the next several years, we expect to see an explosion of innovation and value creation on top of the 3rd Platform's foundation."
Today we're going to drill down into a few aspects of IDC's report and see where our analysts agree---and disagree---with the company's findings.
China Drives Growth, But Don't Overlook the U.S.
Despite its slower growth, China will account for 43% of all tech and telecom spending growth this year, says IDC. That's not the only surprising statistic about the Asian giant: it will also be home to one-third of online shoppers and a third of all smartphone sales.
But there's a lot to be optimistic about in the U.S., too, says Jim Pearce, Investing Daily's director of portfolio strategy. That's especially true in light of last week's better-than-expected jobs report, which kept the unemployment rate at a post-recession low of 5.8%.
"While that may be indifferent news for the tech sector in that its fortunes aren't closely tied to the labor market, it is good news for the economy as a whole," he recently wrote in our Smart Tech Investor advisory. "And if more people are earning paychecks, that's more consumers who can afford new smartphones, tablets and all the other cool gadgets hitting the market this time of year.
"That's just one reason why we believe the tech sector is different---in a better way---from all of the other sectors that comprise our economy. Technology is so integral to everything we do that it's almost impossible for it to become out of favor."
The Cloud Thickens
One trend that's not falling out of favor is cloud computing. IDC sees total cloud spending hitting $118 billion in 2015, on its way to over $200 billion by 2018.
If you're not familiar with cloud computing, in a nutshell, it refers to accessing data or software on remote servers instead of on your own machine or a server in your building.
Cost savings are an important advantage, because moving to a cloud model means companies no longer need to bother themselves with setting up and maintaining their own infrastructure---and paying high IT salaries. It also frees them from regular software and hardware updates.
Cloud computing comes in a few different forms. If you do your computing online on publicly available services, that's using the public cloud. If you do your computing on your employer's system, that's using a private cloud. A combination of both is called a hybrid cloud.
Get Off of My Cloud
IDC sees public cloud spending reaching nearly $70 billion this year, on its way to $126 billion in 2018. But the private cloud is also a strong bet for long-term growth. That's where established companies with strong cloud assets, like Microsoft Corp. (NYSE: MSFT), have an advantage, according to Smart Tech Investor chief strategist Leo Boeckl.
"All businesses today have tremendous investments in their current computer systems," he wrote in September. "So they will not simply dump those investments and move into the public cloud.
"Rather, we will see a gradual shift for businesses into their own private clouds and also hybrid clouds that reduce cost and increase productivity. This gradual migration into private clouds is providing Microsoft with huge potential for sales."
Microsoft cloud offerings include the Azure application-development platform and its Office 365 service, which offers its Office suite of programs via subscription.
"Microsoft's Office 365 is already is a big success," wrote Boeckl. "It lets users operate Office from a mobile device thanks to its public cloud capability. Combined with its Yammer and SharePoint products, Microsoft can offer users a seamless way to manage documents between mobile and PC users."
Of course, Microsoft is one of many ways to invest in the cloud. You could also look at hardware suppliers like Seagate Technology (NYSE: STX), which my colleague Thomas Scarlett analyzed in yesterday's Stocks to Watch article.
Other options include software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies like Marketo (NasdaqGS: MKTO), which offers cloud-based marketing automation software.
Whither Wearables?
In case you were wondering, no, the world hasn't broken its mobile device addiction. Consumers and businesses are poised to spend $484 billion on tablets and smartphones in 2015, according to IDC, good enough for 40% of all IT growth.
But what about wearables? Will Apple's $349 Apple Watch, set to be released in the first quarter, move the needle on their sales?
Not really, according to IDC, which says total wearable sales will "underwhelm" in 2015---though it hastens to add that the devices will "be a huge area of innovation in 2015 and the fastest-growing mobile app category in two to three years."
That's a more subdued view than we've seen from other sources, including a September report from investment banker Cowen & Co. that sees the wearable tech market topping $170 billion in 2020, up from just $10 billion today.
Component Makers: Dressed for Success?
Smart Tech Investor analyst Rob DeFrancesco is keeping a close eye on the wearable market, but while the consumer side is getting all the attention right now, he sees the companies that make the parts that go into these devices as a group to watch in the long run.
"By 2020, components (driven in part by solid demand on the consumer side) could account for as much as 35% of the wearable market," he wrote in October.
So which stocks is DeFrancesco watching?
NXP Semiconductors (NasdaqGS: NXPI), for one. The company co-invented near-field communication (NFC), which lets mobile devices transmit small amounts of data at close range. With the wave of a smartphone or tap of a wearable, users can make a payment, read information tags or swap contact information.
For all of 2014, research firm Gartner predicts shipments of NFC-enabled smartphones will hit 550 million, up 83% from last year. Apple's new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus currently include NXP's chips, and the Apple Watch will also be NFC-enabled.
The company also found itself in the spotlight last month, when news broke that David Tepper, founder of the $20-billion Appaloosa Management hedge fund, bought 2.5 million NXP shares in the third quarter.
Discover the Best Tech Stock Under $6
Meanwhile, there's a new battle brewing in Silicon Valley. On one side are industry giants like Microsoft and Qualcomm. The other boasts titans like Panasonic, Samsung, Sony and Toshiba.
At stake? A brand new $10-billion data market.
Here's the best part: we've discovered a tiny company that's figured out a way to make money no matter who comes out the winner. That gives it the potential to turn every $10,000 you invest into a life-changing $214,290!
Click here for the full surprising story. | |  | Chevrolet has Wi-Fi in their cars. Homeowners can turn off the lights in their home from halfway across the country using their phones. Everywhere you look, the Internet is changing the way people live. And if you missed out on the first round of massive profits the Internet generated, I have good news. There's an enormous new $14 trillion flood of spending set to be unleashed.
And I've found a tiny $5 tech stock that's poised to turn every $10,000 invested into a life-changing $214,290 by exploiting a pocket of this new wave. I'll give you the stunningly profitable details here.
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