Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Stock-Picking System Your Broker Will Hate

  • You can use it on any stock… at any time… and you'll know instantly whether it's time to buy it or sell it.
  • It takes all the guesswork and anxiety out of your investment decisions… and leaves you with nothing but confidence.
  • It's all in a new report that summarizes 26 years of research and shows you how I made $127,344 in a single stock… without paying my broker a dime.
Get the story here.

My Secret Trading Strategy Revealed

Jim Pearce

What I'm about to say may sound weird. It might even upset you.

Your broker will hate it, that's for sure.

But it's something every investor needs to hear.

Here we go…

A few years ago, researchers at Stanford and Carnegie Mellon studied people whose brain injuries kept them from processing emotions. Compared to folks with no brain damage, the injured people made much better investment decisions.

Strange, right?

Turns out the pathways our brains use to evaluate investing information are linked to emotional inputs, not logical brain pathways, as you'd expect.

That's why money decisions are so hard. We're using the emotional "right side" of our brains to make what should be logical "left brain" decisions.

It's also why individual investors always do worse than the market—and not just a little worse.

Over the past 20 years, the S&P 500 returned an average of 9.2% annually. But actual investors earned just 5.0%.

That's absolutely pathetic. And it will keep happening until we find a way to remove emotion from the equation.

But here's the good news: Today I'm going to show you a proven system that does exactly that.

My Emotion-Free $127,344 Winner

I'm Jim Pearce, the new chief investment strategist for Personal Finance.

After 26 years on Wall Street, I can finally reveal the system that made me the biggest single winner I've ever banked in the market.

My bosses wouldn't let me use this system when I was on "the inside." I had to toe the company line. But no one could stop me from using it with my own money.

And in the dark days of October 2008, it predicted Ford would be a big winner, despite everything the auto industry had going against it.

This was scary—no sane person was buying stocks in the 2008 crash … and especially not in the car business while GM and Chrysler were going bankrupt!

Fortunately, my formula doesn't have feelings and doesn't get scared. It runs entirely on numbers, and Ford's numbers set it apart from other car companies. So I did what it told me to. I bought 10,000 Ford shares for a bit over $2.

Less than three years later, I sold at almost $15 a share!

I made $127,344 on a single stock! It happened to me, and today I'm going to show you how it could happen to you.

Why It Pays to Play by the Rules

First things first: I'm not a value investor, a growth investor or a momentum investor.

I am a rules investor.

Everyone knows that you should do the opposite of the crowd … be greedy when everyone else is scared … buy when there's blood in the streets … the clichés are endless.

But guess what? It's really hard to do! The herd instinct is the deepest-rooted human behavior there is. It's bred into our DNA.

So when people say Warren Buffett is a superhuman investor, they're on to something.

Buffett truly isn't like the rest of us. He is bizarrely unemotional. His entire career displays an uncanny ability to ignore fads and stick to a core set of proven investing rules.

I'm no Buffett, but luckily I don't have to be. My system runs on emotion-free measures like dividend yield, cash flow and relative value—all the things that ultimately drive a stock's price.

Now I'm using it publicly for the first time, in Personal Finance, the most widely read investment advisory in the country.

And because Investing Daily is now backing my research, I call my stock-picking system IDEAL: "Investing Daily Equity Analysis List."

When I got here two years ago, I started running a pilot test on my IDEAL system, and it has made 58% more money than its benchmark. So now we're rolling it out in every issue.

The beauty of my formula is that you can use it on any stock you want, at any time, and you'll know precisely whether it's time to buy it, sell it or do nothing.

If you're at a point in your life where you can't afford to own stocks that disappoint you, this is a must-have tool.

In just a moment, I'll tell you how to get a new free report that shows you, step-by-step, how to put my system to work on your investments right now.

But first I want to take you behind the scenes and reveal…

How We Make Stock Picking Simple

First, we assign a precise IDEAL value to every stock in the S&P 500.

I give each stock a score for its dividend (0-3 points), cash flow (0-3 points) and growth potential (0-4 points). So the highest score a stock can get is 10 and the lowest is 0.

But we don't just go out and buy the 10s.

We then convert a stock's score to an "IDEAL value" price by comparing its score to that of the entire S&P 500. This tells us where a stock should be trading.

I never invest unless I know a stock is at least 20% cheaper than its IDEAL value. And I take my profits when the price moves 20% above that value. I'm absolutely firm on this.

The best thing about investing this way is you don't have to take big risks to make big money.

There's nothing daring about buying a stock at $50, for example, if its true market value is $80, according to IDEAL.

Now here's what I suggest you do next…

Start Pocketing Your "By the Book" Profits Now

As I mentioned above, I've put everything you need to know about my system in a new special report. It's called "The Investing Daily Equity Analysis List."

It reveals the secret sauce behind the system it took me 26 years to perfect—and how together we can use it to zero in on the few stocks most likely to make us money.

You'll exactly see how it picked up on Ford at $2 before it shot up to almost $17 in 23 months and made me more than $100,000 in the process.

This report isn't for sale, but I'm ready to send you your copy right now at no charge. All you have to do is sample Personal Finance—the only advisory that uses the IDEAL formula for every pick it makes—with no risk and no obligation whatsoever.

I can't wait to show you the ins and outs of my time-tested system, and with this special offer you risk nothing by "kicking the tires" on it yourself.

But I must warn you: due to the sensitive information this report contains, this offer could be canceled at any time, and I don't want you to miss out.

So don't wait.

Go here to get your copy now!

Editor's Note: I'm so excited about Jim's system that I'll throw in a second free report, "5 IDEAL Stocks for Any Market."

This report builds on the first one by revealing the IDEAL system's five top-rated stocks now. These are the companies with a proven ability to plow through any downturn. You'll get full details on each and every one in "5 IDEAL Stocks for Any Market."

I urge you to check out both of these special reports now. Together they help you erect a wall around your wealth. If you want to keep the money you've spent years accumulating, you need to get them.

No More Guessing

Two years ago, we started testing a new investing system. It made 58% more money than its benchmark. So now we're taking it public.

The beautiful thing about this system is that it takes every scrap of guesswork and every iota of emotion out of my investment decisions.

You can use our formula on any day and on any stock and you'll know if it is time for you buy it, sell it or do nothing. That's a priceless feeling of confidence.

If you can use a simple tool like this to make better decisions about when to get in and out of a stock, why not use it?

Airline Stocks: Fueled for Growth

Chad Fraser

Rarely have the skies looked so clear for the airline business.

The latest indicator came on Sunday, when Moody's Investors Service bumped up its outlook for the sector from stable to positive.

This year, the credit rating agency sees the industry posting adjusted operating profit margins of 12% to 14% and 11.5% to 13.5% in 2016, well up from an estimated 8.5% to 9.5% last year.

"US carriers will continue to garner the largest increases, leading to stronger performance relative to airlines based in increasingly competitive developing markets and in Europe," said Jonathan Root, Moody's vice-president and senior credit officer.

Oil's Plunge Brings Big Savings

As you'd expect, fuel costs are a big part of the story: according to Moody's, the average price of jet fuel will fall by $1 a gallon or more in 2015, slashing US airlines' combined costs by as much as $15 billion, including the impact of hedging (more on that below).

To get a sense of just how much that changes the picture, consider that fuel represents 26% of the industry's total expenses, according to the latest figures from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

And that's not the only way lower fuel prices benefit airlines. The other is higher consumer spending arising from savings at the pumps---and the likelihood that at least some of that cash will find its way into an extra vacation or two.

Higher demand---driven by an improving global economy, higher disposable income and more passengers hopping on planes in the developing world---also registered in Moody's forecast, which calls for a 5% to 6% increase in passenger growth in 2015 and 2016.

But if you're waiting for the airlines to pass on their newfound savings in the form of lower fares, you could be in for a long wait. That's because US carriers continue to see record-high load factors (or the percentage of available seats occupied by paying passengers), lowering the incentive to reduce fares. There's also less competition in the US airline business these days, due to consolidation.

As a result, airline investors could be bigger winners from the fuel-price plunge. That's because, according to Moody's, the carriers are more likely put the savings toward more-efficient planes, improving their balance sheets and increasing shareholder returns.

Two Airline Stocks to Keep on Your Radar

Here's a look at two airline stocks we cover in our Personal Finance and Canadian Edge advisories, respectively. One is an icon in the US airline business, while the other is a Canadian airline that aims to spread its wings internationally.

Both are benefiting from falling fuel costs and rising demand for their flights.

Just yesterday, Delta Airlines (NYSE: DAL) kicked off earnings season for airlines, reporting its fourth-quarter and full-year results before the opening bell.

Investors responded positively, sending the stock soaring 7.6% on the day. And if you'd bought Delta when Personal Finance first recommended the stock in February 2014, you'd be sitting on a 59.3% total return right now.

The company and its affiliated carriers offer service to 333 destinations in 64 countries. Delta operates a fleet of more than 700 aircraft and boasts a market cap of over $38 billion.

There is a downside to the oil price plunge for Delta, however. It comes in the form of hedging contracts the company entered into to protect itself from rising fuel prices. In the latest quarter, it took a $1.2-billion charge on mark-to-market adjustments on fuel hedges.

But if you exclude special items, Delta earned $0.78 a share in Q4, topping the consensus forecast of $0.77 and marking the fifth straight quarter the airline has beaten the Street's expectations. Revenue gained 4.6%, to $8.2 billion, though that was short of the consensus forecast of $9.5 billion.

And even with the hedging losses, the airline expects to realize $2.0 billion of fuel savings this year.

Meanwhile, Delta continues to upgrade its fleet, recently inking a deal with Airbus Group for 50 wide-body jets for $14 billion. The contract is split between 25 all-new A350-900s and 25 A330neo aircraft, an upgraded version of its ubiquitous A330.

That's in keeping with the company's pattern of purchasing upgraded models of older aircraft instead of going all-out on new models, because they're cheaper to buy, use proven technology and can be acquired relatively quickly---an important factor in an industry where demand can change quickly.

Delta trades at 10.8 times the $4.88 a share that it's forecast to earn in 2015. The stock yields 0.80%.

WestJet: Going Global

If you've flown anywhere in Canada, you've likely run across this low-cost carrier, with its simple two-word slogan: "owners care."

It's meant to set WestJet Airlines (TSX: WJA, OTC: WJAFF) apart from its main competitor, Air Canada (TSX: AC), because more than 85% of WestJet's employees are also shareholders in the company, while Air Canada, the country's formerly government-owned flag carrier, is a union shop.

It's an appropriate catchphrase for WestJet, which has built a reputation as a cheap and cheerful domestic carrier since it was founded in 1996. It now employs 9,700 workers and flies to 88 destinations in North America and the Caribbean---but it's looking to broaden its reach even further.

Next year, it plans to add four 262-seat Boeing 767s to its fleet. These planes will build on the European toehold the company established when it began flying its shorter-range 737s to from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Dublin last year.

In the third quarter, WestJet's load factor was 83.1%, up from 82.8% a year earlier. On an adjusted basis, WestJet earned CAD0.66 a share, up from CAD0.50 a year ago, as revenue gained 9.2% ($1 Canadian = $0.84 US).

WestJet trades at 10.2 times its forecast 2015 earnings of CAD3.19 a share. The stock yields 1.42%.

As with other airlines, the oil price plunge will be a big story for WestJet this year, but the Canadian carrier is in a different position than its US counterparts because of the importance of oil to its home country's economy.

"To be sure, there's a risk that if oil stays low for a prolonged period, it could slow Canadian economic growth---and travel spending along with it," wrote David Dittman, chief strategist at our Canadian Edge advisory, in the publication's January issue. "But for now, lower fuel costs will let WestJet cut ticket prices, boosting demand for its flights."

How to Beat the Biggest Challenge in Investing

No matter what sector you're investing in, the key to picking winners is to remove emotion from the process.

Just ask Warren Buffett. The world's richest man truly is wired differently than the rest of us. He's bizarrely unemotional and doesn't care whether his investment decisions make him look foolish or out of touch---or what other people think of him.

That's the beauty of our new system: it takes every scrap of guesswork and every iota of emotion out of your investment decisions.

You can use it on any day and on any stock and you'll know if it is time for you buy it, sell it or do nothing---without paying your broker a dime.

Find out how it works here.

3 Rules for Making Money

I've consolidated 26 years of trial and error into three strict rules I follow every time I put a buck in the market. They let me know what to buy, what to sell and when to do it.

Sticking to this rigid system makes it easier to accomplish the toughest job in investing: ignoring what all the talking heads, advisers, TV gurus and mad crush of other investors are doing all around me.

Get the full story here.

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