| Discover Your Perfect Portfolio Dear Investors, A $49 investment won't get you much these days. Maybe a nice bottle of wine, a tank of gas, or dinner for two at Applebee's. Benjamin Franklin once said, "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." InvestorsObserver was built upon these words of wisdom. One of our goals is to dispel the myth that trading options is an inherently perilous proposition. We prove this every day by showing Main Street investors, such as you, that options don't have to be risky - as long as you're using battle-tested strategies. Our Model Options Portfolios demonstrate the power & flexibility of various hedged options strategies. Our Options Experts place trades and meticulously follow them from entry to exit, all the while providing you with up to the minute commentary on what they're doing and why. This means you trade with confidence and also invest in building your knowledge as you learn the theories behind the strategies by following the Model that best suits your investing style. Choose your portfolio today! | Also recommended for you: | | | | All stocks and options shown are examples only. These are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Any pricing or potential profitability shown does not take into account your trade size, brokerage commissions or taxes which will affect actual investment returns. Stocks and options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors and investing in options carries substantial risk. Prior to buying or selling options, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options available at: http://www.cboe.com/Resources/Intro.aspx. Any stock recommendations or comments presented are solely those of the analysts, experts, or information source quoted. They do not represent the opinions of InvestorsObserver on whether to buy, sell or hold shares of a particular stock or option. Investors should be cautious about any and all stock or option recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on stock or option selection. Various factors, including personal or corporate ownership, may influence or factor into an expert's stock analysis or opinion. All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual stocks before making a purchase decision. In addition, investors are advised that past stock or option performance is no guarantee of future price appreciation or depreciation. Those involved with the preparation and distribution of this report may have had in the past, currently hold, or may purchase in the future stock and/or options on stocks discussed in this report. It is expected that the limited distribution of this report to a relatively small number of investor will not materially affect the price of widely-held stocks. To completely opt out of InvestorsObserver emails, visit Profile Update / Unsubscribe | |
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