Saturday, August 16, 2014

Our total returns are much higher than the indexes and our combined losses have been much less. This is due to both the program capabilities and the fact that our Primary Program is about 30% less exposed to the markets than the Nasdaq 100 (NDX).  Less market exposure means less risk.

Programs for 2012-2014
We have four managed programs.  Over time these programs will not move together with the market as they are their own independent asset class. Any of our programs will provide diversification to stock, bond or commodity investments that you will not be able to get with standard asset classes, as most asset classes now tend to move together. All of our programs uses a different level of market exposure so they can balance risk in all but the smallest portfolio.  Each program has different characteristics so that we can match the needs of the risk adverse investor as well as investors seeking high growth. Select Our Investment Programs for Program details and management fees. 
Since they use different algorithms and have a different focus they will operate independently from each other, providing true diversification from the market trends. The positions that are shown each day in our comments are the actual positions we have taken for our accounts ( we tell you that before the trading day starts). 
#1:  Primary Long/Short/Money-market. (Daily market exposure varies, overall about 30% less exposure to market than index.)  Designed for those investors looking for overall better than market gains with less than market risk.
#2:  Long/Money-market only. (Market exposure varies, overall about 50% less exposure to market than index. Does not go short.)  More traditional approach, but it is only exposed to the market under ideal conditions.
Very Conservative Retirement program. Now in its second year. (Does not use leverage. Overall only exposed to the markets at a rate of 30% as much as the NDX.  For those who can not afford to take large risks, but still want better than money market gains. 
Hot Money program. Now in its second year. (Can be leveraged as much as two times,  but overall carries the same amount of exposure risk as the NDX.) For investors that can afford risks similar to that expected in the market but are looking to maximize gains over the long term. 

Our proprietary method of trend analysis does not wait for the trend to form but anticipates it.  Anticipatory trends will be either UP, DOWN or NEUTRAL.  On January 21 we flushed out the anticipatory trend to make much greater sense of the markets.  As a result, on average with an "UP" Trend you should expect a high probability for the markets to go higher, strong, for the next day and then drift higher for the following few weeks. Up trends are often interspersed with neutral days, but the markets should go  higher. With a "Down" Trend you would expect a high probability for the markets to go lower, strong, for the next day then drift lower over the next few weeks. Down trends are often interspersed with UP trend days but the markets should work their way lower when the bulk of the days call for Down.  When the call is Neutral we have an expectation of more erratic behavior, with probabilities for the next day leaning slightly lower, but then strong gains over the following month.  These trends will generally move between a flat and trending direction. It is important to be able to tell when the trend actually changes direction.  Viewing the calls over a number of days provides additional market information.  


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