Persecution of the Jewish Race Continues, Israel's Dark DNA Secret Revealed
Dear Reader As I write the descendants of the Jewish race in Israel / Palestine are once more suffering ritual slaughter with the number of dead at this time inevitably soon to escalate into the hundreds, a blood letting that is periodically unleashed on an near annual basis in Palestine in response to the Jewish races quest for freedom from persecution of that which has claimed more than 60,000 lives since the year 2000 alone. You may be puzzled in that the mainstream press reporting of the escalating death toll, because the large number of deaths being reported on by the press are stated as being of Palestinians with as of writing not one Israeli person injured in retaliation. However, what this illustrates is the evolving myths that underly ALL religions as Judaism's elite used the exodus and the Roman expulsion out of Palestine myths to create the myth of a Jewish race diaspora during the 19th century that formed the corner stone of Zionism so that the mass of european Jews could directly link themselves by blood to a homeland in Palestine called Israel that they say that God promised that they would be returned to and to which end are supported by Christian Zionists towards fulfillment of their own End Times prophecy. The key point is that Judaism unlike other faiths such as Christianity and Islam is focused primarily on race, the Jewish tribes that are said connect the mass of European Jewry by blood from father to son all the way back to the ancient tribes of Israel. So by its very nature Zionism and its manifestation of Judaism in modern day Israel is a racist ideology of the propaganda for the existence of the Jewish race, of people chosen by God who were expelled from Palestine several millennia ago and who's goal is to return to claim their homeland by right of direct blood line and thereby have the right to exterminate the rights of the indigenous population whom the state of Israel has been actively ethnically cleansing and persecuting since 1948. However, over the past decade, repeat scientific DNA analysis of the 'Jewish' populations of the Middle East and across the world, including of Europe has revealed the truth of the dark secret at the heart of modern day Israel which is that the Jews of Israel NEVER left Palestine. They continued to live in Palestine where many first converted to Christianity primarily through force, and then later to Islam again primarily by force as both Christianity and Islam sought to propagate their own supreme doctrines for absolute control over populations through conversion or persecution, only leaving behind small pockets of practicing descendants of the Jews of Palestine of 2,000 years ago. DNA research reveals that well over 95% of the population of the Israel are NOT in fact Jews by blood, as defined by the zionist doctrine that underlys the fraud behind the creation of the state of Israel and its continuing quest for expansion by means of what have internationally been declared as being illegal settlements, for Judaism since the 19th century has increasingly defined jewish ness on the basis of RACE and not CONVERSION as until that time had been accepted practice as was the case for all major religions. Instead, modern discovery of DNA and technologies for its analysis reveals the truth that the Jews of Europe given their DNA are NOT closely related to the indigenous Jewish populations of Palestine, instead they are closely related to other european peoples, and where most of whom are only a few generations removed. Hence why it is claimed by some that even Hitler had jewish ancestor because the european people of what ever religion ARE MIXED, Christians, Jews even pre-war Muslims are EUROPEAN PEOPLE. The Jewish Race and Khazarian Imposters A DNA study by Dr. Eran Elhaik (Israeli Jew) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, found that the European Jewish genome is a mosaic of ancestries which rise primarily out of the european Khazars. Out of Khazaria—Evidence for “Jewish Genome” Lacking By Dr. Eran Elhaik - University of Sheffield Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, thinks so. In a recently published study in Genome Biology Evolution (Elhaik 2012), he is calling for a rewrite of commonly held assumptions about Jewish ancestry. Instead of being primarily the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel, present-day Jewish populations are, finds Elhaik, primarily the children of a Turkish people who lived in what is now Russia, north of Georgia, east of Ukraine. This civilization, the Khazars, converted from tribal religions to Judaism between the 7th and 9th centuries. The controversy cut into by Elhaik's work runs deep, far past the lab bench. Among some circles, his conclusions are bound to be unpopular. “This is the first scientific paper to prove the Khazarian Hypothesis and reject the Rhineland Hypothesis,” he says, “and with it about 40 years of research.” Although his findings will not be welcome in all circles, Elhaik's interest is more medical than political. “All I want is to help my colleagues who are studying genetic disorders,” he says. “I hope this work will open up a new era in genetic studies where population stratification will be used more correctly.” Jewish populations are used in many disease studies because of their presumed genetic homogeny. Some conditions, such as Tay–Sachs disease, are more common among select Jewish populations than other populations. However, Elhaik says, the acceptance of a flawed origin narrative is hampering the best science. For several decades, two hypothetical backgrounds of present-day European Jews have seemed plausible to historians and geneticists. In the favored “Rhineland Hypothesis,” Jews descended from Israelite–Canaanite tribes who left the Holy Land for Europe in the seventh century, following the Muslim conquest of Palestine. Then, in the beginning of the 15th century, a group of approximately 50,000 left Germany, the Rhineland, for the east. There they reproduced rapidly, in a kind of “hyper–baby boom.” Their breeding outpaced their non-Jewish neighbors by an order of magnitude—despite disease, persecutions, wars, and economic hardship—ballooning to approximately 8 million strong by the 20th century. Under this history, European Jews would be very similar to each other and would have Middle Eastern ancestry. Several scholars prefer the “Khazarian Hypothesis,” Elhaik included. This suggests the Jewish-convert Khazars, with reinforcements from Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman Jews, formed the basis of Eastern Europe's Jewish population when they fled northeast, following the collapse of their empire at the 13th century. Elhaik first became fascinated by this idea 10 years ago when reading Arthur Koestler best-selling book The Thirteenth Tribe, published in 1976. Koestler calculated that Jews could not have numbered 8 million in Eastern Europe without the Khazar contribution. Upon reading his ideas, “I couldn’t wait for genetic data that would allow someone to publish an evaluation of this hypothesis,” says Elhaik. When Behar et al. published “The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people” in 2010, Elhaik decided to investigate the question that had intrigued him for so long. Using data published by Behar, he calculated seven measures of ancestry, relatedness, and geographical origin. Though he used some of the same statistical tests as prior studies, he chose different comparisons. “Results in the current literature are tangled,” Elhaik says. “Everyone is basically following the same assumption: Ashkenazi Jews are a population isolate, so they are all similar to one another, and this is completely incorrect.” Previous studies had, for example, combined the question of similarity among and between Jewish populations and the question of ancestry and relatedness to non-Jewish populations. Elhaik viewed these questions separately. Jewish communities are less homogeneous than is popularly thought, he says, with Jewish communities along the former Khazarian border showing the most heterogeneity. His second question centered on ancestry: When comparing Jewish communities to their non-Jewish neighbors, Caucasus or Levant (Middle Eastern) populations—which is the closest to Jews? “All Eurasian Jewish communities are closer to Caucasus populations,” he writes, with Central European Jews closer to Italian non-Jews as the exception. Not one of the eight evaluated Jewish populations were closer to Levant populations. “I had the hardest time clearing myself from the mindset (of previous work),” Elhaik says. “I was on the train, thinking hard, when it came to me how to separate the questions. It was a great moment.” However, it would be a mistake, Elhaik says, to conclude present-day Jews have nothing to do with the ancient Judeans. “I found a signature of the Middle East. I’m not certain whether it suggests Judean or Iranian ancestry, but it's there.” Iranian, as well as Judean, Jews began joining the Khazarian empire as early as the 5th century B.C.E. “It might be strange given today's political situation, but it makes a lot of historical sense.” For Shlomo Sand, history professor at Tel Aviv University and author of the controversial book The Invention of the Jewish People, Elhaik's paper was a vindication of his long-held ideas. "It's so obvious for me," says Sand. “Some people, historians and even scientists, turn a blind eye to the truth. Once to say Jews were a race was anti-Semitic, now to say they're not a race is anti-Semitic. It's crazy how history plays with us.“ “There is no Jewish genome and certainly no Jewish gene,” says the Israeli-born Elhaik. Instead, all humans are a mix of the same building blocks, built with slightly different architectures. “The confusion about European Jews results from their tragic history of persecutions and deportations, creating multiple links between ancestry and geography. By dismantling our notions of genetically distinct populations and understanding our kinship, we can better appreciate our common history, and more importantly, our shared future.“ Source: DNA GPS Tracking with Dr Eran Elhaik Dr Eran Elhaik explains how DNA tracking of populations and individuals is done. Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European Another DNA study co-authored by Martin Richards, at the University of Huddersfield in England confirms the same of Ashkenazi jews that destroys the myth of european jews being descendants of people who left the middle east 2,000 years ago, but instead over 80% of whom are Jewish converts. Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews. Source: Therefore it is ironic that Jewish people given their long history of persecution as each of the worlds two major emerging religions sought to convert Jews amongst other peoples towards total submission. That following the creation of the state of Israel have in effect been persecuting the REAL JEWS, the PALESTINIANS who long ago converted to first Christianity and then later Islam so that they could be allowed to live in the lands of their ancestors in peace. Therefore in terms of Zionist ideology of those in charge of Israel today can only be deemed to be imposters, as by definition of today's Judaism are NOT REAL JEWS, are NOT the descendants of Abraham, not the ancient israelites, for they have no greater genetic similarity with the actual ancient jewish populations of the middle east than any other european populations. So it is no wonder that the converts to Judaism so vehemently deny the Palestinians as being a people for truth of their existence destroys their whole claim to the land. It's akin to Christians stating that God gave them America when the truth is that it was stolen from the native Indians, much as the waves of Jewish European migrants continue to do to the Palestinians to this very day as illustrated by the ethnic cleansing settlements programme. Off course if we go far back enough in time then we will find that we are ALL related (some 3,000 years), and our oldest common male ancestor is said to have emerged 209,000 years ago in again more ground breaking genetic work by Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield which given the vagueness of the Torah and subsequent scriptures will undoubtedly be reinterpreted someday to rework the setting for Adam and Eve (in reality groups of Adam's and Eves) to far further in the past and locating the garden of Eden over 3,000 miles south of what many call the holy land today. This illustrates how the elite use religious myths as tools towards manipulating the easily brainwashed masses towards their agenda. We see it with EVERY religion, not just Judaism but Christianity, Islam, Hinduism all seek to diminish the ability of people to THINK as others inform them of what God wants them to think, and how God commands them to do x,y,z towards each's propagation towards total control over ALL of humanity. In this respect one can expect that Judaism will once more over time start to EVOLVE to incorporate the primacy of conversion over race in the wake of over whelming DNA evidence as was the case in centuries past as Israel's borders continue to expand as vague passages of scripture are reinterpreted and elevated towards supremacy as had been the exodus myth since the 19th century. The bottom line is that the actual documented forced expulsion of millions of the closest descendants of the Jewish race began in 1948 when european Jewish converts under the banner of Zionism began to steal their land and persecute them to the extent of corralling millions in concentration camps such as Gaza. If the Jewish converts and their christian evangelical supporters actually believe in their religious texts then it is they who will ultimately reap the wrath of God for what they are doing to the 'chosen' people. “Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; Behold I will make them to come and worship at thy feet and know that I have loved thee.” (Revelation 3:9) Therefore whilst the jewish converts and hundreds of million's of christians to varying degrees such as the Evangelical christians have actively supported the ethnic cleansing of Palestine on the basis of a Zionist myth of european Jewish claims to the land. However, many in the wake of the DNA evidence are starting to open their eyes to what the genetic revelation means for their faith and theor role in the support of persecution of the real jews. Who should possess the land of Israel? Christian evangelicals say it should be the descendants of Abraham. They point to the Old Testament and claim that God gave this land forever to the descendants of Abraham and that God demands they and they alone own the land. To the Christian evangelical, this means the Jews. Yes, it is the Jews who own this land, and it is their land forever. The Jews, then, according to Christian evangelicals, are the descendants of Abraham, his seed. DNA Science Confounds the Common WisdomThe people of Israel are not the seed, nor the ancestors, of Abraham. They call themselves “Jews,” but in fact, DNA science shows them to be Khazars. They say they are “Jew,” but they are not. “There are no blood or family connections among the Jews,” said Dr. Elhaik in an interview with Haaretz, Israel’s daily newspaper. “The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. Their genome is largely Khazar.” God Did Not Give the Land to the KhazariansThus, when Prime Minister Netanyahu says, “God gave this land to our Israelite forefathers,” he is absolutely wrong. There are no Israelite forefathers of today’s “Jews.” When today’s “Jews” say they should possess the land because they are Israelites and are the seed of Abraham, they are mistaken. The “Jews” are in Israel for one reason and one reason only: Because the United States, in 1948, recognized the nation of “Israel” and has since funded and protected it. God’s Word has nothing to do with it. God’s Word, the Holy Bible, prophesied that in the last days imposters would erroneously and falsely claim to be “Jews.” These imposters would, the Bible told us, persecute their enemies and especially the Christians. But God would have his revenge: Do the “Jews” (Khazars) not do exactly as our God prophesied? Do they not persecute the Palestinians and defile the land, claiming they are its original inhabitants? This, even though their proven ancestors, the Khazars, never set foot in the Middle East and are not the seed of Abraham? My thanks to Dr. Eran Elhaik of Johns Hopkins University and to his associates. You have performed a valuable service with your DNA research, both to Christianity and to world understanding. Elhaik’s research confirms earlier DNA studies, especially the work of Dr. Ariella Oppenheim of Hebrew University, who likewise found, in 2001, that the “Jews” came from the Khazars rather than the Israelites. Dr. Oppenheim even found that some of the Palestinians have the chromosomes proving they are “Cohen,” related to the ancient Israelites who worked in the Synagogue and Temple. Where, and Who, Are the Seed of Abraham?I ask my evangelical Christian friends: What will you do now? Will you heed what God said, in Revelation 2 and 3, about “them which say they are Jews and are not?” Will you accept modern DNA science as legitimate and valuable in proving the truth of God’s Word? Or will you, dear Christian friend, walk right on by, dismissing what both God and science have informed you? God said that the seed of Abraham would inherit the land. Therefore, we must—absolutely must—in light of the DNA evidence, ask ourselves: Where, and who are the seed of Abraham? We know that Netanyahu and the people who now inhabit Israel have no claim to the land. They are interlopers, false pretenders. Source - Texe Marrs - At best alleged jews can only have a trace of jewish DNA on the basis of which they choose to propagate their claim to jewishness. It would be akin to for instance many millions of Indian's having traces of English / British DNA due to inter-marrying, rape, intercourse many hundreds of years ago to lay claim to being English, or many more millions of Chinese having traces of Indian DNA to claim themselves as being Indian, or go a little further back then any one can lay claim to ANY others lands, for instance europeans to North America, europeans to Sub-saharan Africa, all on the bases of trace DNA. And it is on that basis of trace DNA that european jews lay claim to lands where the indigenous palestinian population have a direct DNA linage to. Who knows, one day the real jews of Palestine may revert back to their racial religion, then what for the Jewish imposters? Though by virtue of being human we ALL have trace DNA of virtually every other human population on earth (related to), no matter the distance in time and place and surprisingly that distance in time is quite recent, just approx 3,000 years separates virtually all humans alive today which busts the myths of the xenophobes of there being different races. Moving the Goalposts for Jewishness to Europe As is the case for most religious frauds, if the facts do not fit them move the goal posts. Therefore my expectation is that over the coming decades as more and more DNA studies are conducted to reveal the truth of lack of jewishness amongst most who class themselves a racially jewish then the goal posts of what is jewish will converge to that which represents the greatest population of Israel namely eastern european DNA. This whilst blatantly being a fraudulent exercise will nevertheless be necessary to concoct a new jewish myth of ancestry so as to continue to deny Palestinian claims to the land that Jewish converts today occupy. Much as Christians have morphed Jesus over the centuries to become European blonde haired blue eyed person rather than a dark skinned north african, then so will the Jews of Israel reinvent jewishness to resemble the bulk of actual Jewish DNA. One of the consequences of this will be that the minority of Jews (5%) who actually ARE directly descendant from Palestinian Jews of 2000 years ago may be denounced as NON Jews so as to make the facts fit the DNA evidence better and thus Zionism will effectively succeed in killing off the most direct blood line from Abraham that they so profess to protect. De-radicalisation of Religious Fanatics Much political and media focus surrounds the need to de-radicalise members of Muslim communities from both supporting and actively engaging in overseas Jihad conflicts with the present day focus on the Levant (Syria and Iraq). However, at the same time the media, politicians and state institutions have turned a blind eye for decades to the Jewish converts support of what amounts to the Jewish Jihad on Palestine in the form of supporting the Zionist racist ideology of modern day Israel where the most extreme manifestation of which is of armed to the teeth Jewish Jihadi settlers ethnically cleansing Palestinians off their lands, the violent actions of whom provoke imprisoned and persecuted Palestinian jewish descendants to rage against and thus give an excuse for the Israeli state to unleash the full weight of its armed forces upon palestinian civilian populations that results in an average of over 4,000 Palestinian killings per year, most of whom tend to be women and children. Therefore secular states such as Britain and the U.S. must also seek to de-radicalise members of ALL religions for they all are based on myths that do not reflect that which science increasingly shines a light upon such as the real genetic identity of those in charge of Israel today and therefore recognise the fact that the actions of jewish convert settlers and the Israeli state upon the Palestinian jewish descendants as a crime against humanity. In a future article I will explain why Richards Dawkins is WRONG about Religion. Source and Comments: By Nadeem Walayat Copyright © 2005-2014 (Market Oracle Ltd). All rights reserved. Nadeem Walayat has over 25 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis focuses on UK inflation, economy, interest rates and housing market. He is the author of five ebook's in the The Inflation Mega-Trend and Stocks Stealth Bull Market series that can be downloaded for Free.
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