Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fellow Investor,

Bob R. made a healthy $110,000 last year—even though he retired six years ago.

Bob didn't go back to work... and he didn't luck out and win the lottery.

In fact, Bob is distinctly UN-lucky. After a 40-year career in accounting, he retired in 2008—just in time for the market crash to wipe him out. Bob lost almost everything he had worked for his entire life.

Then he discovered an investing tactic that rescued his retirement. Last year, he pulled in $110,000—and his savings are steadily growing again.

Not a bad gig, considering that his "job" takes him just 9 minutes a week.

Today, he's relaxing in Maine. Bob says, "Trading this way sure beats being a greeter at Walmart."

Get Bob's six-figure retirement secret here.

To your investing success,

Jim Fink

Jim Fink
Chief Investment Strategist

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