Sunday, October 26, 2014

- Marketplace Review

As part of our ongoing effort to provide you with the safety and profits you require, here's a look at some of the top investment strategies we've uncovered that will deliver big yields under any market conditions.

Are You Making This Common Investing Mistake?

Richard Stavros

Are You Making This Common Investing Mistake? U.S. investors are making a big mistake by ignoring global income stocks. A record $1.3 billion in dividends were paid out worldwide. Only 33% were paid by U.S. companies. Almost $900 million came from international stocks.

Don't miss out on this treasure trove of international dividends. We found huge global yields of 10.05%, 10.10%, and 10.32%. (And don't worry, all of these stocks are readily available on U.S. exchanges.) All have ten-bagger growth potential to boot! Warren Buffett is a big investor. Here are 5 of the world's best global dividend stocks.

Are You Sitting on the Sidelines as Others Get Rich?

David Dittman

Are you sitting on the sidelines as others get rich?Google, Apple and Microsoft are arguably three of the most successful companies of the past decade. They've made early shareholders filthy rich.

But did you know that these three tech giants are battling it out for market share in a new $600 billion market? Google has already invested $3 billion. That's a lot of money even for them. You can follow what they're doing and make a few moves with your money to secure your retirement today.

The best part? This isn't speculation on a fad that may or may not catch on. It's almost a surefire bet because this new technology is about to become a household item just like color televisions, automobiles, cell phones and the Internet.

See how income investors can get their windfall and collect generous yields for life here.

Stopping Criminals Before They Act

Leo Boeckl

Stopping Criminals Before They ActRemember the movie Minority Report, when cops came smashing through the windows seconds before a crime? We've found a company that does the same thing.

This "big data" outfit combs through billions of online interactions to determine user intent, allowing it to fight cybercrime before it even happens.

It's like having the police show up the moment a thief touches your doorknob. Our company monitors millions of virtual "doorknobs," and if unauthorized contact is made, it alerts the client in microseconds.

Banks and government agencies LOVE this service. Its client base could grow 10x as the word gets out. For the name, symbol and buy price, go here.

Five Bulletproof Stocks for the Coming Correction

Jim Pearce

Five Bulletproof Stocks for the Coming CorrectionOver the course of history, the average time between 20% corrections is 635 days. We're currently at 1,358 days.

Time is running out for you to protect your portfolio. Here are five stocks to get you through any market. Click here.


How to Make $80,000 Per Year on the Side

Jim Fink

How to Make $80,000 Per Year on the SideI'm Jim Fink. I trade the market for extra cash.

If I tell you exactly what I'm buying and selling, you can copy me and make the exact same profits I do.

Why not? All it takes is 9 minutes a week. And you don't have to invest a dime upfront.

Hundreds of men and women who had never traded this way in their lives are already doing it. Some have already accumulated a lot more than $80,000. Check out my 9-minute-a-week system here.

Canada's Shocking Decision Kills Keystone XL

David Dittman

Canada's Shocking Decision Kills Keystone XLYou may have thought the biggest enemy to the Keystone XL's approval was President Obama… but as it turns out, the real enemy may be Canada. You see, just days ago the government there approved the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline that will take Alberta oil to a port in British Columbia… and ultimately to Asia. I've discovered four ways you can profit from Canada's rush to get their oil to the Orient. I'll give you the lucrative details here.

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