BLACK FRIDAY SALE—48 Hours Only! Fellow Investor,
2014 has been a year for the record books, with the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P all hitting new highs. But after a year of spectacular gains, investors are turning a leery eye toward what 2015 might have in store.
With plenty of challenges ahead—another possible budget fight in Washington, the end of Quantitative Easing, the implementation of Obamacare—investors worry that this bull market could come to a crashing halt.
If you're one of them, I'm writing with a special invitation to join a group of investors who are sitting pretty on gains of 270% in credit cards, 652% in utilities, 835% in telecommunications, 732% in pharmaceuticals…and a whole lot more.
These folks are also sleeping well at night knowing that this proven investment strategy can weather whatever 2015 throws our way.
Now I want to bring you the same peace of mind about your investments.
So in the spirit of all the Black Friday sales out there, here's my big one-time-only Black Friday sale…
Accept this no-risk invitation to try Personal Finance today and save up to $119. But you have just 48 hours to lock in the lowest price you will ever see!
You'll get Personal Finance at our guaranteed rock-bottom price—but you must act quickly. I can only make this offer available until Saturday at midnight.
You'll save $59 on one year and a whopping $119 off our regular two-year rate—my way of making it ridiculously easy for you to say "yes" today.
That means you can try Personal Finance today for as little as $39.95! When you do you'll: - Learn how to beat the market year in and year out with investments that deliver no matter what the market does.
- Use our proven strategy that made subscribers 181% richer as the S&P 500 gained 78%.
- Get immediate access to my very latest recommendations for not just surviving, but THRIVING in this volatile market.
- Take advantage of my new IDEAL stock-rating system that tells you exactly when to buy and when to sell for maximum profit.
- Receive up to FOUR of my most valuable Special Reports FREE! (More on those in a minute.)
And best yet, you are fully protected by my 100% money-back guarantee. You can try Personal Finance with no risk thanks to my no-questions-asked full-refund policy. If you decide for any reason in the next 90 days that you aren't absolutely thrilled with your service and the returns we are making, just let me know and I'll refund every cent you paid!
So what are you waiting for? Just choose your savings below and click to get started… To take advantage of this special Black Friday sale before it's too late, just pick the Savings Coupon that's right for you. Click here to accept this incredible offer.
This offer ends in just 48 hours, so don't delay!
Whether you're retired now or saving for retirement, whether you want extra income to pay for a vacation or to build a legacy for your children, Personal Finance is your best way to achieve your goals. And you simply won't find a better time to join us. The Best Opportunity of Your Lifetime Chances for life-changing wealth are so rare that you never want to miss one. It may be the only chance you get.
Right now, there are a handful of huge investment opportunities that can't wait. You'll discover all of them in the investment alerts I have waiting for you now.
Accept this invitation to try Personal Finance for a fraction of the regular price and get these three new Special Reports FREE! - 5 Stocks to Get You Through Anything—You can buy these "mattress stuffers" and file away the certificates for decades to come. That's how reliable they are.
- Loser Investments to Sell Now—Dangerous stocks (including health insurers, retailers and closed-end bond funds) facing severe economic and political headwinds. If you've got any of these dogs, ditch them now.
- Low Risk, High Yield: Five Securities to Buy Today—Just what it says: Five companies paying up to seven times what you can get in Treasuries and that will never stop sending you monthly or quarterly checks.
You can't buy these investment alerts anywhere, at any price. But they're yours FREE today when you take advantage of this limited-time Black Friday sale offer.
I can rush them to you in the mail, or you can download them in just seconds.
These reports were written exclusively to give Personal Finance subscribers the kind of expert investment analysis that brokerage and research firms would pay $5,000-$10,000 to commission. (Yes, I provide my analysis to brokerage and research firms, too—they don't have this kind of capability in-house.) But they're yours FREE when you subscribe. 40 Years of Creating Millionaires Personal Finance is like no other investing service you've ever seen.
We're not reporters, journalists or commentators. Unlike so many financial websites and TV shows, we're not about what everyone else is already doing with their money. (By the time it hits the news, it's too late—stay away.) Instead, we're about doing what virtually nobody else is doing with their money. (More on this maverick strategy in a minute.)
Most important of all, we nearly tripled subscribers' money in a horrible period for investors.
From 2000-2014, the S&P 500 struggled, barely keeping up with inflation. Most Wall Street "experts" and fund managers did poorly.
But during those same 14 years, which included the worst market crash since 1929, Personal Finance subscribers gained more than 180%. And they did so while incurring 17% less risk, or volatility, than the market.
$100,000 invested in Personal Finance's recommendations would have grown to $281,000 over that time. By contrast, $100,000 in the S&P 500 would only be worth $178,000.
But you have to act now to be in time to capture big profits in the top stocks I'm recommending today.
Stocks that can double your money in 12 months…triple your money in 24 months…and longer term, the sky's the limit.  Plus you can profit from every tool and recommendation I give my regular subscribers, including new bulletins every two weeks with: - Steady "Retirement" Stocks You Can Rely on for Decades to Come. Every portfolio needs a few of these power payers that build your returns higher year after wealthier year. Right now our Personal Finance subscribers are basking in long-term returns of 652%...825%...270%...162%...732%...and on and on. But there are stocks you can buy today that could give you those kinds of long-term profits, too, and you can bet we're going to give them to you!
- No-Hype Market Outlook Twice a Month. You'll never be in the dark about what's going on in the markets and economy. Every two weeks we'll tell you what's going on and what it means. Not the kind of meaningless data you get from TV, either. You'll know what the data means! Plus my views on when stocks will turn up or pull back…which sectors to watch and which to avoid…and much, much more.
- In-Depth Looks at Today's Top Investing Themes Twice a Month. You'll never again have to wade through countless articles and episodes in hope of finding something meaningful. Every two weeks we bring you an in-depth look at themes that are important to your portfolio. From a look at "The New Industrial Revolution" that's driving manufacturing or infrastructure stocks in your portfolio, to why Wall Street has it wrong regarding the direction of China's economy, you'll gain knowledge that you can take to the bank.
That's it—everything you need to build and protect your wealth. And I want you to have it all, while taking ZERO risk. That's why I've arranged for you to have a full 90 days to try Personal Finance without risking a dime.
On top of this deep discount, and the free Special Reports I'm about to send you, you are fully protected by the iron-clad guarantee that helped build our reputation for quality and satisfaction: If you decide at any time in the next three months that you wish to cancel your subscription, just let us know and we will refund every penny of the price. All the above benefits, including the Special Reports, are yours for a ridiculously low price for the next 48 hours only!
I've done all I can to make it easy for you to get on board. The decision is in your hands now. But please don't delay! Many of the best profit plays have a three-month window to capture your highest profits. Click here to get started.  Sincerely,  Jim Pearce, Chief Investment Strategist, Personal Finance P.S. This is one of the greatest buying opportunities in the last decade, and I've done everything I can to make it easy for you to give Personal Finance a try. Don't miss out! Click here to lock in this deeply discounted rate now before this special Black Friday sale ends. |
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