Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fastest Track to a Seven-Figure Portfolio

Do what master investors Buffett, Lynch and others did – invest in the top-performing category of stocks since 1927. One buck invested in these stocks grew to $45,144 over that span. The same dollar invested in the next best stock category topped out at $6,329, or 86% less. It's not that complicated. I turned $50,000 into $5.3 million in 10 years using this strategy. You can get started today –

go here.

How Federal Express Delivers

Thomas Scarlett

While there's certainly more bearish sentiment around than there was one year ago, the S&P 500 continues to turn in a strong performance, hitting a new record high just this morning (Nov. 18). And while the voters of America expressed strong dissatisfaction on Election Day with the track that the country is on, the fact remains that the underlying economic growth statistics are quite good.

Which companies are well-situated to prosper as the economy grows, but also well-established enough to survive an unexpected downturn? One good choice is Federal Express (NYSE: FDX), which has largely replaced the Post Office as the key institution for moving physical packages around the United States.

FedEx enjoys some key advantages over its rivals.United Parcel Service(NYSE: UPS), for example, is struggling to streamline its operations in the face of an aggressive union. Meanwhile, the U.S. Postal Service has all the problems that come with being a slow-moving government bureaucracy, but also has financial issues because the government has tried to make it self-sustaining.

FedEx's shipping business has three main segments: FedEx Express, which accounted for 60% of the company's revenue in fiscal 2013, offers worldwide delivery within one to three business days; FedEx Ground (22% of revenue) delivers packages throughout the U.S. and Canada; and FedEx Freight (12%), which ships less-than-truckload (LTL) deliveries.

The company looks well-positioned to turn in a strong performance this holiday season, thanks to the strong growth of online shopping. Many websites are offering incentives, such as free shipping, as they battle to take market share from brick-and-mortar retailers. In response, chains are fighting back by offering similar deals to keep customers coming back to their sites.

For the most recent quarter, FedEx Corp. reported earnings of $2.10 per share for the first quarter (which ended August 31), up 37% from last year's $1.53 per share.

"FedEx Corp. is off to an outstanding start in fiscal 2015, thanks to very strong performance at FedEx Ground, solid volume and revenue increases at FedEx Freight and healthy growth in U.S. domestic volume at FedEx Express," said Frederick Smith, FedEx Corp. chairman, president and chief executive officer. "More customers are relying on FedEx because they appreciate the competitive advantages provided by our broad portfolio of solutions."

Revenue of $11.7 billion was up 6% from $11.0 billion the previous year. Operating income of $987 million was up 24% from $795 million last year

In the longer term, the company should benefit from its ongoing international expansion, particularly in fast-growing markets in the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. For example, FedEx has expanded its service from Asia to markets in the Middle East, which will result in shorter shipping times.

The company continues to roll out its Priority Alert service, which it sells under contract to companies that have critical shipments, such as health care or financial firms.

Under this service, packages are wrapped in bright pink tape to mark their priority status when loading or unloading. These items also receive extra monitoring from a dedicated group of employees who can also provide more accurate estimates of delivery times. As well, Priority Alert Plus, aimed specifically at health care clients, offers services like dry ice replenishment and access to cold storage in order to do a better job of preserving these items.

Demand for this service should continue to grow as more companies move toward a just-in-time inventory model and health care services expand to cater to the needs of an aging population.

The company suffered a minor setback when the Kansas Supreme Court issued a decision finding that a class of mostly former contractors in the state of Kansas should be considered employees under the Kansas Wage Payment Act, contrary to previous rulings by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana.The decision applies to those independent contractors operating in Kansas from 1998-2007.

If it stays in effect, this decision could raise the company's labor costs in the state. But FedEx seems to have a good chance of getting it overturned on appeal.

FedEx is continuing to lower its costs in other ways. Under its current restructuring plan, it is selling off non-core assets and reducing the size of its workforce. To that end, it began offering voluntary buyouts of up to two years' pay to some of its U.S. employees.

The company has a reasonable price-earnings ratio of 23, and its market cap is now closing in on $50 billion. It's a buy up to 185.

Tom Scarlett is an investment analyst at Personal Finance.

Domestic Oil Production Skyrockets 70%

What was unthinkable just a few years ago is now a reality. America is on the verge of energy independence. Imports from OPEC have been cut almost in half. The U.S. government has approved exports of energy, and terminals are being built at a breakneck pace.

It's all thanks to advances in technology like fracking. But if you think fracking is the last hurrah, think again. We've only tapped 10% of what's below the ground. That means we're only in the first inning of a nine-inning game.

I've found five companies you can ride the entire time. Each is sitting in the sweet spot of its industry, and all are set to hand investors massive gains.

Get their profitable stories here.

Our Top Stock Pick for 2015

Jim Pearce

In my 31 years in the investment business, I've never met anyone who can pick a winning stock like Leo Boeckl.

I'll never forget the day he made me $127,344.

It was a cool fall evening in October 2008, and Leo and I had met for a beer, as we did on occasion.

As the conversation drifted to the stock market crash, my normally reserved friend became visibly excited. He said he'd been studying the auto industry, and in spite of everything going against it at the time, he was convinced Ford would be a big winner.

"Leo," I responded, "That's just about the craziest thing I've ever heard. American carmakers are getting crushed. They're taking bailout money!"

"But not Ford," he said.

At the time, Leo was working for IBM as a competitive analyst. His strength is looking into an industry crowded with competitors and picking winners.

And as he explained why Ford would come out a winner, I knew what I had to do. The next morning, I bought 10,000 Ford shares for a little over $2 each.

Less than three years later, I sold Ford when it was close to $15!

Imagine waking up one day to find $127,344 in profits sitting in your account.

It happened to me. And today I'm going to show you how it could happen to you, too.

Because our proprietary system has guided us to a little-noticed tech stock that's positioned to deliver you double—even triple—digit gains if you act now.

In fact, we're so sure of its explosive potential we've named it our #1 pick for 2015.

A Proven Formula for Picking Winning Tech Stocks

Later, when Leo and I put our heads together to create a formula for stock screening, I insisted that we name it after him. That's how the Boeckl Innogration Quotient was born.

We use the BiQ to make all of our predictions.

The middle word, "innogration," is a concept Leo and I came up with to identify which technologies are poised to make money.

We combined the words "innovation" and "integration" as a way to describe exactly what it is that makes a tech company successful.

Let me explain.

In today's world, the only companies succeeding are the ones that can both innovate and integrate other companies' breakthroughs.

A good tech "innogrator" doesn't just resell someone else's invention. It combines its own internal capabilities with external resources to create a market-leading product.

The truth is, tech companies just can't go it alone anymore.

For example, Apple rarely invents anything on its own. It operates more like Henry Ford.

Ford didn't invent the car or the assembly line. But he put the two together to knock car prices down so low that he transformed a luxury plaything for the rich into an affordable convenience for the masses.

Like Ford a century ago, IBM threw the industry into turmoil in 1981 by opening its proprietary architecture to suppliers and competitors as demand for home computers skyrocketed.

Honing in on this essential quality in tech stocks is how we make all of our predictions.

And I couldn't be happier with the results:

  • 2012: Buy Western Digital (NYSE: WDC)—up 200% in 6 months

  • 2013: Sell Short 3D Systems (NYSE: DDD)—a 110% gain in 3 months

  • 2014: Buy Apple (NSDQ: AAPL)—up 35% in 11 months

  • 2014: Sell Amazon (NSDQ: AMZN)—avoided a 27% loss

  • 2015: ??

Now we're about to release yet another pick that's positioned for a big breakout.

This whip-smart outfit is a mid-cap tech stock whose value most investors haven't yet noticed, so we're not afraid to predict that it has serious gains ahead.

But it won't be long till the rest of the crowd catches on, so this opportunity can't wait. You have to act on it right away.

So now I want to show you…

How to Be One of the First to Get Our #1 Pick for 2015

We'll release our #1 pick for 2015 in the December issue of our Smart Tech Investor advisory. And if you subscribe now, you'll be among the first to get your hands on it.

But here's what really sets this offer apart: you can get all the profitable details on this pick—and full access to our entire Smart Tech Investor service—with no risk and no obligation whatsoever.

When you act now, you get three full months to decide if Smart Tech Investor is for you. If you aren't happy, let us know and you'll receive a full refund on your subscription fee. No questions asked.

You read that right: you get 90 days to test drive Smart Tech Investor with zero risk on your part. But you must act quickly on this one—we can't keep this offer open for long.

And even more important: our #1 pick for 2015 won't wait. You need to catch it now.

Now is your chance. The clock is ticking, so don't delay.

Click here to reserve your spot now.

Editor's note: As you can see from their calls on Western Digital, Apple and Amazon, Jim and Leo's system is proven—so you don't want to be left standing on the outside when they roll out their top pick for 2015.

Remember, you're always covered by our 90-day "road test," so you can cancel if it's not for you—even after you discover our #1 pick for the coming year.

But time is running out! Don't drag your feet.

Click here to get started now!

Don't Struggle During Retirement

Seniors all over America are struggling to get by. That's no wonder when you know that households over the age of 65 are living on an average of $37,847 a year. That's a fraction of what they were living on before retirement.

If you're still planning for retirement, you don't have to suffer the same fate. And even if you're already retired, I have a way out.

They're called Rushmore Plans. These unconventional plans are safe and incredibly effective at creating great wealth. Many deliver yields up to 11%. I'll give you all the details when you

click here.

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