Monday, November 3, 2014

Want the Secret to Becoming a Millionaire?

Invest like an Australian. You can discover the hidden truth behind what makes Australians the richest people on the planet – and how to join them – when you

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Revealed: Our Top 5 "Millionaire-Making" Stocks

We've discovered five stocks hiding in plain sight that could make you a millionaire.

But you'll never hear about them in the press. And Wall Street has sleepwalked right past them.


Because they're located in a country that's 14 time zones away from Wall Street. But these winning picks are just as easy to buy as any U.S. stock.

So where are we talking about?

Here are some hints:

  • According to Forbes, this country's citizens are the third-happiest in the world (America barely cracks the top 10)...

  • ...that's likely because they're the richest people on the planet. Their median wealth stands at $219,505---five times higher than our median wealth of $44,911;

  • This country's stocks are considered the world's most profitable. Its stock exchange has remained strong for 110 years. Its equity market is the eighth-largest in the world.

We're not going to beat around the bush here. We're talking about Australia.

You read that right.

A place that makes most Americans think of vegemite sandwiches, kangaroos and the Outback is the richest country on Earth.

And here's something else most investors don't know: last year, Australians grew their wealth by more than a billion dollars a day.

That growth minted 43,274 new millionaires.

By now you must be wondering what their secret is ... and how you can take advantage of it yourself.

That's where our top 5 picks come in.

They're the same opportunities ordinary Australians use to get rich ... and we've just put the finishing touches on a special report that gives you everything you need to know about them.

Make no mistake: each has the potential to turn you into a millionaire.

We'll tell you more about this new report---including how you can get your own copy free---in just a moment.

First, let's take a look at the forces driving the economy of the richest (and just about the happiest) citizens in the world.

4 Keys to Australia's Stunning Growth

Below are just a few key advantages Australia enjoys over America right now.

As you read them, think about where America started out and where it is today. Then look at where Australia is right now---it has everything going for it that our country did when we became a world leader.

At the end, you can decide for yourself if you want take part in their success story.

Sound good?

Great. Let's keep going.

  • Aussie Advantage #1: Government---Australia's government has only shut down once, in 1975. America? We've been hit by 18 crippling shutdowns since 1976, resulting in $24 billion in lost economic output;

  • Aussie Advantage #2: Taxes---Individual taxes can't go higher than 45% in Australia, while they can be as high as 56% in the U.S. And the Australian government allows deductions that lower taxes on dividends;

  • Aussie Advantage #3: Banks---Australia's banking system is among the world's five safest, on par with Switzerland. Ours barely makes Standard & Poor's top 25 list;

  • Aussie Advantage #4: GDP Growth---Australia has notched 23 straight years of economic growth---while our latest streak is only four years long.

We could go on and on with reasons why you should put some of your money into Australian stocks.

We could tell you about the study from the think tank the Heritage Foundation that measures economic freedom. It ranked Australia third. We came in 12th.

The Aussies are beating us at economic freedom? It's arguably a principle we invented!

Maybe that's why the Australian Trade Commission reported that foreign investors have $2.5 trillion invested in Australian stocks. Or why foreign investors plowed $155 billion---a 55% increase---into their stock market in the past three years.


Alarm Bells Are Ringing in America

Here at home, more and more experts are warning us about America's stock market.

Like former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who said: "The stock market has recovered so sharply for so long, you have to assume somewhere along the line we'll get a significant correction."

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is on the same page. Here's what he says about U.S. stocks:

"In my mind, it's time to be cautious about the U.S. stock market. While we are having a great year, I am being very selective about the companies I purchase."

The bottom line: Now is a perfect time to diversify some of your money into a country whose economy has grown for 23 straight years ... a country that outperforms the U.S. on virtually every financial front ... a country that created 43,274 new millionaires last year.

If you agree, your timing couldn't be better.

Because now we're going to show you...

How to Become the 43,275th Millionaire

Your Australian profit adventure begins with the free report we mentioned earlier. It's called "The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire: 5 Australian Stocks That Can Make You Rich."

One of the companies you'll read about is Millionaire Maker #2, your best chance to profit from Australia's super-safe banking system.

But here's the thing: this isn't a stodgy, grow-at-3%-a-year kind of bank. Far from it.

Thanks to an aggressive push into Asia, it delivered an 11% year-over-year earnings surge. That led to a massive 14% dividend hike.

Best of all, its domestic mortgage lending has grown faster than its competition's for the past 14 quarters. And its home loan sales have increased 16% this year. It now owns 15% of the country's mortgage market.

That safe domestic growth gives it the cash it needs to keep expanding into new markets.

Subscribers to our Australian Edge advisory who got in on this stock when we first recommended it are sitting on a total return of 104.5%.

That's not hard to believe when you know it sports a 7.6% yield ... and the share price is up 14.8% since February.

Our advice? Pick up some shares now, before the price goes beyond a reasonable level.

You get full details on this winner and four others in "The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire." It's yours free just for taking Australian Edge for a no-obligation test drive.

This one-of-a-kind report gives you the names and ticker symbols of companies that have already delivered us total returns up to 123% and yields as high as 12%!

Now is your chance to experience gains like that for yourself---and we can't wait to help you get started.

That's why we hope you'll take advantage of this special offer and...

Go here for instant access to our top 5 "millionaire makers."

Editor's note: Still unsure? Let me put your mind at ease about one thing that may be causing you to hesitate: getting in on any of these opportunities really does amount to an easy trade at any brokerage. It's just as easy as buying a U.S. stock.

No matter if the bull market is about to die or if it keeps going up for another six months---or even a year---it makes sense to insulate yourself from the inevitable downturn the experts have warned us about. Australia is the perfect way to do that.

Don't miss this chance to try out a different way of investing.

Claim your free copy of this extraordinary report now.

5 Advantages to Investing in Australia

Right now Australia is presenting investors with some very lucrative opportunities. And there are 5 reasons why. Once you know the reasons, you'll know the Australian Wealth Secret. Others do, and they're getting rich. Foreigners have invested $2.5 trillion in Australian stocks. Is it time to diversify some of your money into a country that created 43,274 new millionaires last year? If so, here are 5 Australian stocks that could make you a millionaire.

Details here.

Electric Utilities Warm to Solar

David Dittman

The question of whether distributed generation, including the installation by households and businesses of rooftop photovoltaic solar power systems, represents a threat or an opportunity for traditional power providers was addressed by the Edison Electric Institute, the association that represents all US investor-owned electric utilities, in January 2013 white paper.

That study, Disruptive Challenges: Financial Implications and Strategic Responses to a Changing Retail Electric Business, described rooftop solar as a "disruptive challenge" that could squeeze revenue and profits as households and businesses defected, leaving companies forced to maintain grids that serve all customers.

The potential threat is growing.

According to recent research out of Deutsche Bank AG (Germany: DBK, NYSE: DB), declining system costs, customer acquisition costs, financing costs and rising volumes will drive scale benefits sufficient to pull rooftop photovoltaic (PV) solar power to "grid parity" in 50 US states by 2016, up from 10 states right now.

This significant milestone--the term "grid parity" describes the point in time at which an alternative energy source generates electricity for the same cost as the electricity available on a traditional utility's transmission and distribution system--would set the stage for a dramatic increase in the uptake of rooftop solar in the world's biggest economy.

Deutsche Bank offered this forecast as part of its first report on Vivint Solar Inc (NYSE: VSLR), which debuted on the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 1, 2014. Vivint, the No. 2 rooftop solar PV installer in the US, is on track to at least double its sales during each of the next two years.

During 2013 approximately 1 gigawatt (GW) of rooftop solar PV capacity was installed in the US. And residential solar grew by 45 percent in the second quarter of 2014 compared to the second quarter of 2013.

But 1 GW is a little more than was installed in Australia, a country with about 7.5 percent of the population of the US.

But the US installation rate could grow six-fold by 2016, a function of government subsidies and declining costs that have allowed startups to underprice utilities.

Some perspective is warranted. Although the amount of capacity has increased rapidly in recent years, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) solar will account for just 0.6 percent of net utility-scale electricity generation in the US in 2015.

And solar powers only half a million US homes and businesses, according to GTM Research.
Solar growth has historically been concentrated in customer-sited distributed generation installations, though utility-scale solar capacity slightly more than doubled in 2013.

The EIA expects that utility-scale solar capacity will approximately double again between the end of 2013 and the end of 2015; about two-thirds of this new capacity is being built in California.

But customer-sited PV capacity growth is expected to exceed utility-scale solar growth between 2013 and 2015.

At the same time, however, utilities are now taking steps down a path that will turn this emerging crisis into an opportunity.

This past summer Arizona emerged as a battleground between electric utilities and solar installation companies, as Pinnacle West Capital Corp (NYSE: PNW) unit Arizona Public Service (APS) announced a plan to spend up to $70 million on systems for about 3,000 homes and Fortis Inc (TSX: TSX, OTC: FRTSF) subsidiary Tucson Electric Power proposed a fixed power rate in exchange for customers putting panels on their rooftops.

These plans first must be approved by the utilities division of the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Edison International (NYSE: EIX) and NRG Energy Inc (NYSE: NRG) have entered the rooftop solar market through unregulated divisions, and many utilities have bought huge solar arrays.
Ownership by regulated utilities of rooftop solar systems isn't a new idea. But its adoption and implementation is on the verge of accelerating. And solar installation companies are trying to put the brake to it.

If utilities embrace home solar on a large scale, their deep pockets and access to customers could transform what has been a fast-growing but remains a niche industry.

Dominant solar installation companies such as SolarCity Corp (NSDQ: SCTY), the dominant US residential installer with about a third of the market, Sunrun Inc and Verengo Solar are threatened by the possibility regulators will set rates that guarantee profits for utilities, giving them a financial advantage on top of their access to customers.

They also question regulated utilities' motivation: Is their interest in the broad deployment of rooftop solar or in quashing what could become stiff competition?

Again, some context is key: Solar companies benefit from significant government subsidies. For instance, the state of New York recently agreed to invest $750 million in infrastructure and equipment purchases for a SolarCity solar panel factory.

The Empire State is also considering legislation that would permit regulated utilities to own residential rooftop systems.

Regulated units of National Grid Plc (London: NG/, NYSE: NGG), Fortis, Iberdrola SA (Spain: IBE, OTC: IBDRF, ADR: IBDRY) and Consolidated Edison Inc (NYSE: ED) operating in the state support the idea.

An early draft of the plan released in September 2014 included a provision that utilities must demonstrate why their rooftop solar would be better than the alternatives.

In August 2014 South Carolina passed legislation that allows utilities to offer solar leases but won't let them recover costs from ratepayers. Companies such as SCANA Corp (NYSE: SCG) and Duke Energy Corp (NYSE: DUK) will have to run such programs through an unregulated division, a condition insisted on by solar installers.

In the state of Washington, a bill that would have given utilities control of the leasing market failed this year. The bill's author, Representative Jeff Morris, said he expects to introduce a compromise between the solar and power sectors next year.

A compromise between electric utilities and solar installers could push PV into the mainstream, with utilities offering financing while installers do the work of putting panels on rooftops.

Rooftop solar is still just a long-term challenge for investor-owned electric utilities, the "death spiral" described by the EEI in its January 2013 paper: Customers install solar panels on rooftops and generate their own electricity, with only emergency reliance on the grid; increasing migration off the system of generation, transmission and distribution that's been in place for decades threatens a revenue structure, supported by regulators, and critical infrastructure reinvestment.

But templates for solutions are beginning to emerge.

This article originally appeared in the Utility & Income column. Never miss an issue. Sign up to receive Utility & Income by email.

The World's Shocking Super-Economy

The U.S. stock market is dangerously overheated. That's why now is the perfect time to diversify some of your money into a country whose economy has grown for 23 straight years. This surprising country outperforms the United States on virtually every financial front. And it created a staggering 43,000 new millionaires last year. I'll show you how you can become part of its success story when you

follow this link.

Mind the Gap

Thomas Scarlett

You may have noticed that shares of the well-known clothing retailer The Gap (NYSE: GPS) have been plunging in recent weeks. From a high of 46 less than two months ago, the stock has dropped all the way to 37.

How come? Well, the company announced that longtime CEO Glenn Murphy will retire on Feb. 1. Its most recent comparable-store sales figures were flat for the most recent quarter.

So the news hasn't been great, but there's been nothing to justify such a drastic drop in share price. The stock may have been overpriced at 46, but it seems like a bargain now.

The September sales figures were not all bad at all, taken in context. The Gap posted a 1% year-over-year increase in net sales for the month.Net sales for the five-week period ended October 4 were $1.48 billion, up from $1.46 billion for the five-week period ended October 5, 2013.

The most recent earnings report was also generally favorable. Second quarter fiscal year2014 earnings per share increased 17 percent over last year to 75 cents.

The Gap's revenue growth has slightly outpaced the industry average, which is flat. Since the same quarter one year prior, revenues slightly increased by 2.9%. Growth in the company's revenue appears to have helped boost the earnings per share. The current debt-to-equity ratio, 0.47, is low and is below the industry average.

Brand loyalty is important in most industries, but none more so than retailing. The Gap has been an iconic name for American clothing shoppers for at least 40 years. This endurance is impressive in a field like clothing, especially apparel aimed largely at younger people, who are notoriously fickle and subject the changing whims of fashion.

With a solid base in the United States and Europe, the company is making a concerted effort to enter developing markets.As part of the firm's global expansion strategy, the company has announced plans to enterIndia, the world's second most populated country, through franchise-operated Gap brand storesin 2015. In addition, Gap brand continued to grow its store base in the greater China region with fivenew stores during the quarter, and the brand is on track to finish fiscal year 2014 withapproximately 110 Gap stores across mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

And the growth keeps on coming: The company has also revealed that it has signed agreements to open Old Navy stores in six Middle Eastern countries with franchisees Fawaz A. Alhokair & Co. and Azadea beginning in the spring of 2015.The first markets include U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

As you can see, international growth is a key priority for Gap Inc. and expanding Old Navy to new markets and countries in partnership with two franchise partners is an important step in the company's strategy. This is the second franchise market expansion for Old Navy. In March of this year, the brand opened its first franchise-operated stores in the Philippines. The brand's move into the Middle East builds on the success that Gap and Banana Republic have experienced since entering the market in 2007.

"Entering the Middle East is an important milestone in our strategy to share Old Navy with a broader, global customer base," said Robert Frank, executive V.P. of Old Navy International. "Given the family-centered culture of the region, we believe Old Navy's iconic American apparel and focus on fashion, family and value will really resonate with customers."

The company noted that it expects gross margins for the third quarter of fiscal year 2014 to be moderately below the prior year driven by underperformance at Gap brand. In addition, after having leveraged operating expenses by 1 percentage point in the first half of fiscal year 2014, the company continues to manage expenses tightly.

The return on equity has improved slightly when compared to the same quarter one year prior. This can be construed as a modest strength in the organization. Compared to other companies in the Specialty Retail industry and the overall market, GAP INC's return on equity significantly exceeds that of both the industry average and the S&P 500.

As noted above, the Gap's stock was due for a small decline, but not the drubbing it has received. That makes it a bargain up to 42.

Tom Scarlett is an investment analyst at Personal Finance.

They're Turning Down Vegas to Get to Australia

That's what one casino CEO says about Chinese gamblers passing up hotspots like Vegas and Macau to get to Australia. But it's not just gamblers flocking to the land down under. Chinese buyers just overtook Americans to become the biggest overseas investors in Australia's property markets. I'll show you what's so special about Australia – and how you can profit from it – when you

click here.

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