As part of our ongoing effort to provide you with the safety and profits you require, here's a look at some of the top investment strategies we've uncovered that will deliver big yields under any market conditions.
Debt-Fueled Obamanomics Could Hand You Five-Figure Profits
Jim Pearce
A destructive financial wave is bearing down on this record stock market. It's threatening to crash the market in half. The devastation will be brutal and stocks may not recover until 2023.
But within this crisis fueled by Obama borrowing almost $3 billion EVERY DAY exist 6 escape routes to protect and grow your wealth. One route offers a 17.5% yield. 33,000 millionaires are already en route. Join them here. Follow this link for your crash protection plan.
My #1 Rule: Don't Buy Options!
Jim Fink
Option buyers lose money on 7 of every 10 trades. They place high-risk trades, hoping for a big payout. But they lose – a LOT! But I don't buy options. Instead, I flip them on their head and do this with them. When I do, I make money 82% of the time. I turned $50,000 into $5 million trading options this way. To know my little option secret, you must click here.
Triple Your Money in 5 Years
Jim Fink
The greatest investors in history used this strategy to rapidly build their initial wealth. Buffett says it should easily earn you "50% a year in the stock market."
We're aiming for 25% annually, and tripling our money in 5 years. Care to join us? Check it out here.
Your Big Chance to be Like Buffett
Robert Rapier
Ever dream of investing like Warren Buffett and calmly making a killing, while others are shouting, "The sky is falling"? The oil-price panic is your big chance.
We're adding 4 unjustly punished energy stocks to our portfolio that are positioned to bounce back fast. Profit upsides reach 74%. Want to see the list? Click here.
The Weird Investment That's Crushing Stocks
Igor Greenwald
Looking for a big winner in the market? Do yourself a favor and forget about stocks. You're far more likely to hit it big in an overlooked corner of Wall Street that not one in 100 investors has ever put a penny into. That's because for every 10-bagger in the S&P 500 over the past 10 years, there were almost four times as many in this tiny niche of "non-stocks." Click here to learn more.
How to Profit from Every Fracker's Pain
David Dittman
America's energy boom is in great danger of losing steam. A critical resource shortage has created a mad rush by drillers to lock up precious supplies.
I've found two companies that control vast amounts of this material. Their fortunes are set to rise as the supplies dwindle. Gains of 1,019% are not out of the question. Here's how to profit right along with them.