Saturday, January 24, 2015

Panic Opportunity:
4 Bounce-Back Oil Stocks—
Up to 74% Profit

Get 'Em While They're Down

(They won't be for long)

The wholesale dumping of oil stocks is out of control.
Solid companies have dropped 30% to 50% in 6 weeks.

We're adding 4 unfairly punished BOUNCE-BACK PICKS
to our portfolio. Average profit upsides: 52%.

Fellow Investor:

I'm Robert Rapier, Chief Investment Strategist of The Energy Strategist. I determine which energy companies have legitimate, game-changing technology and are worth investing in—or are ultimately exaggerating their capabilities in the scramble to obtain funding.

I'm sending you this letter to alert you about a tremendous investment opportunity.

As Warren Buffett says: You want to be greedy when others are fearful. You want to be fearful when others are greedy. It's that simple.

If you've ever said to yourself, One day I'm going to be like Warren Buffett and calmly make a killing while others are shouting "the sky is falling"…

here's your chance.

In a flash, quality energy stocks have dropped more than they did in the 2008 crash—but this time it's a clear-cut panic situation.

Oil Price Drops

It's also a clear-cut buying opportunity. The last time energy stocks bottomed like this, they bounced back 56% in less than 24 months.

I know 4 companies in terrific position for a substantial profit bounce—ranging from 30% to 74%. That's an AVERAGE PROFIT UPSIDE OF 52% for the group. What's more, all four companies possess special capabilities that make them excellent candidates for our bounce-back energy stock portfolio.

How panicked are investors over energy stocks?

Very panicked—way, way out of proportion to the circumstances.

Case in Point…

My favorite bounce-back energy pick has been pounded by investors, losing nearly a quarter of its value in just a few months—despite being recognized by Forbes as a top innovator in oil services.

This is one of the world's great companies. It's nearly impossible to find oil and gas in today's harder-to-reach areas without its tools.

This brilliant outfit is the Google of oil search and discovery.

This "best in the business" company, now at a bargain price, provides
technology that accurately measures and evaluates every stage of a
reservoir's life cycle, before drilling begins.

Operating in 85 countries, it is seeing strong demand in North America, as well as surging business from Latin America, where its customers are gearing up for their own shale revolution.

The industry bellwether reported an 8.5% year-over-year revenue boost, along with a 16% jump in earnings per share.

Did that save its stock from the panic?


Investors freaked out and rushed to sell. The stock plunged by nearly 25% as investors panicked and sold off energy stocks, fearful of rising oil production in the U.S. and weak economic growth internationally.

But my top pick is no ordinary production outfit. You can bet it's going to bounce back in a big, big way—and we'll be waiting to scoop up the windfall profits.

In fact…

All four stocks on our bounce-back list have been unfairly beaten down by spooked investors. Those who seize the moment and snap them up BEFORE the market comes to its senses will gain substantial windfall profits. I'm forecasting a range from 30% to 74%.

In other words, your "Warren Buffett moment" is here.

If you join my subscribers and me, you'll own four solid energy stocks clobbered by price drops as high as 42%—wildly out of sync with reality.

That's just crazy.

But crazy good for us because, unlike most investors, we know these 4 stocks have been driven down to absurdly low prices and will bounce back strong. Here's why…

My Oil-Panic Bounce-Back Picks

First that key point to remember…

The current oil price plunge is temporary—the result of economic conditions and a slew of unnerving headlines.

But event-driven stock declines always pass—headlines come and go at lightning speed.

The chart below shows the 2008 oil-price crash triggered by the subprime mortgage collapse and banking crisis.

Oil prices are rising again

As you can see, the ensuing Great Recession caused oil prices to plummet. But by the spring of 2009, the price of crude had climbed back up 39% in less than two years.

This underscores a reality that's NOT going to change anytime soon…

The need for oil just won't go away—in fact, it will grow.

You see, despite much hype to the contrary, there is no scalable, economically viable replacement for oil on the horizon. Oil makes up a third of the global energy mix and is the most irreplaceable component.

This chart tells the story…

Global Energy Consumption by Type of Fuel

Oil still reigns as the #1 energy source

The future may someday belong to renewables. But fossil fuels, led by oil, still power the world.

And oil will still be number one 20 years from now. (Source: International Energy Agency.)

Economic reality keeps raining on the parade of alternatives to oil.

Take Europe, where billions have been poured into subsidies for alternative energy. The European Commission is now abandoning its trumpeted renewable energy targets. Why? Turns out the expensive subsidies are responsible for soaring energy costs for consumers and businesses.

Take the emerging nations, where fast-growing economies are demanding more oil and gas—and don't worry much about the price they have to pay. Demand for oil from developing countries will hit 54% of the global total by 2018, up from 49% in 2012.

What's more, the "new oil" coming in from shale wells is relatively expensive to produce and requires intensive drilling. If oil prices show signs of weakening, you'll see quick reductions in production, steadying prices.

So, despite occasional headline events driving the price of oil up or down…

… the era of cheap oil is over, likely for decades to come.

But enough about the politics of energy.

Let's get to my stock picks. Here's a peek at four energy companies I believe will bounce back quickly as the panic subsides:

  • The "Google of Oil Services." Boasting 25 R&D and technology centers, plus a unique alliance with Microsoft, this outfit is an industry leader in developing breakthrough technologies for oil exploration and production… just as the hunt for oil moves into harder-to-reach areas. Latest quarterly results (8.5% year-over-year revenue boost) indicate that the panic selling that clobbered this stock will become a bad memory very quickly—but a big score for us. That's why it is number one on our bounce-back shopping list. And what's your projected upside? 30% profits in 18 months or less.
  • The Bakken Gem. Phase 2 of the Bakken bonanza is underway. The U.S. government officially doubled projections for oil recoveries. My second bounce-back pick boasts prime Bakken acreage—plus a "secret weapon" that is guiding it to eye-popping production rates. Think you missed the Bakken? You didn't. Not if you make this smart bounce-back trade. And what's your projected upside? 74% profits in 18 months or less.
  • The Efficiency Experts. This whip-smart small-cap driller is the cost-efficiency leader in its area and, unusual for an explorer of any size, financed last year's drilling program entirely from cash flow. Despite Wall Street's panic (the stock plunged by 42% over 107 days) and low valuation, its production has grown at a 55% compounded annual growth rate over the last four years. The company is also introducing an advanced fracking design that could pay off in an even bigger production boost. In the meantime, it remains an underfollowed and undervalued growth play—ideal for our bounce-back list. And what's your projected upside? 64% profits in 18 months or less.
  • The Cash-Flow Machine. This pick doesn't build or operate rigs—but it does manufacture the advanced technical equipment that makes them run. This is a highly lucrative business, and this outfit is a free cash-flow machine with an underappreciated servicing revenue stream and a valuation that's much too low. I regard it as a top-notch, well-diversified franchise with significant upside potential and shareholder-friendly management, worthy of a spot on our bounce-back energy stock list. And what's your projected upside? 40% profits in 18 months or less.

You'll find everything you need to know about investing in these (unfairly) beaten-down stocks in my new Special Report, Bounce-Back Energy Stocks—Get Them While They're (Temporarily) Down.

This report is not for sale, but is yours FREE just for taking a look at The Energy Strategist, my unique financial advisory service.

I Steer Energy Investors to Profits

I've always been fascinated by energy.Small wonder, I guess.

I was born and raised in Oklahoma—the heart of the energy patch. Growing up on a farm, there were no mansions or Rolls Royces in sight… but plenty of oil rigs in the neighborhood.

So I suppose it was only natural that the oil business always intrigued me. I went on to graduate from Texas A&M with a B.S. in chemistry and mathematics, and a master's in chemical engineering. After that, I started working in energy immediately. I've been at it ever since.

For two years I was an efficiency expert at a petrochemical complex in Houston. For a couple of years I led a butanol-production team in Germany.

Along the way I picked up five patents, one for a new way to convert ethane into ethylene, cutting production costs by $5 million per year (U.S. Patent 7,074,977).

My work has taken me all over the globe. I've landed in 37 countries and 47 U.S. states.

At ConocoPhillips I ran a research lab in Oklahoma developing gas-to-liquids technology. I was on a team in Billings, Montana, optimizing refinery profitability in part by determining which crude oils we should purchase. I figured out a way to blend gasoline that saved the company $9 million a year.

Later, I headed up a team of engineers in Scotland developing oil and gas projects in the North Sea. Then I worked as engineering director for a Dutch environmental-technology company and provided engineering support for a facility they were building in China.

If my name—Robert Rapier—sounds familiar, it may be because you've seen me on 60 Minutes. Or maybe you read my columns in Forbes, the Washington Post or The Wall Street Journal.

The thing is, I've always felt I could be doing more. More to help ordinary investors—good folks who may not see just how much opportunity there is in the energy markets, even when stocks are down.

And as luck would have it, that's when Investing Daily came calling.

Over 200,000 investors from 32 countries rely on Investing Daily for its unique brand of financial advice.

I jumped at the chance to write for them. After all, who doesn't want a bigger soapbox when you're in the business of broadcasting your opinion?

I now work alongside some of the sharpest minds in this business—a small army of researchers who spend day after day reading annual reports… calling CEOs… scouring trade publications… flying to conferences… and digging up SEC filings.

Joining the Investing Daily team was the best way I could think of to share my knowledge and help more people profit from what's going on in the energy sector.

How am I doing?

Right now, subscribers to The Energy Strategist are looking at gains of 93%… 140%… 899%… 114%… 396%… 163%… and 172%.

Not to mention dividend yields of 16.7%… 7.7%… 7.8%… 6.0%… and 7.1%.

You can evaluate these picks for yourself. With this invitation, you can check out all my latest research in The Energy Strategist without risking a single penny.

Why Energy Stocks? Why Now?

Know this for certain: Energy stocks are grossly oversold, and the "oil crash" is wildly out of proportion to global realities.

In some cases, energy stocks (whether oil, gas or otherwise) have been clobbered with price drops over 40%.

That's pure insanity.

Here's why…

Today, an energy revolution of historic proportions and with no end in sight is changing the world as we know it, and creating a whole new generation of millionaires.

It's a bare-knuckles, trillion-dollar global brawl over energy—and I'm convinced it's an unstoppable megatrend. One that trumps the daily headlines.

"Brawl" is no exaggeration. Consider…

  • European Union countries are desperately trying to free themselves from the energy grip of Russia and its increasingly belligerent leader, Vladimir Putin. It's generated the biggest East-West European crisis since the Cold War.
  • Feisty Canada is risking an international incident with Russia by claiming the North Pole and the 90 billion barrels of oil and 1,670 trillion cubic feet of natural gas estimated to lie beneath it.
  • China and Russia appear to be partnering up on a troubling (to the West) new energy partnership. Beijing has already agreed to buy more than $350 billion of Russian crude oil in the coming years.
  • At the same time, China is throwing its weight around in the South China Sea, a region with its own energy riches. Five other nations—Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines—also claim parts of the sea and are receiving Chinese demands to back off or else.

There's a simple reason for all this strife over energy.

The whole world wants to grow and prosper—and you can't do either without energy.

Here's the Bottom Line

Quite simply, The Energy Strategist IS the most comprehensive investing source available today… not only on America's energy revolution, but on energy opportunities across the world.

I'm looking at every energy source out there: oil, natural gas, solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal… everything.

My staff and I look for investing gold in energy exploration, recovering, refining, gathering, processing and transport, as well as one of the great opportunities primed to create new wealth: liquid natural gas (LNG) exporting.

After you get through my new special report, Bounce-Back Energy Stocks—Get Them While They're (Temporarily) Down, you'll find a whole universe of energy opportunities in our:

  • Two monthly issues. Twice a month, I'll send you my latest energy investment research, including new recommendations, updates and analysis.
  • Energy Strategist Flash Alerts. Anytime there's breaking news on one of our positions or a new opportunity that can't wait until the regular issue comes along, you'll get a Flash Alert.

When you join, you'll also get members-only access to the Energy Strategist website, where you'll enjoy a host of powerful tools like:

  • An easy-to-navigate archive of all my research. That includes every issue, special alert and report I've ever written. It's the most comprehensive coverage of America's energy boom out there, and chock full of ways to profit from it.
  • You'll also get access to my Conservative, Growth and Aggressive Portfolios. Each portfolio is updated every day with a detailed status of every pick I'm recommending, so you'll always know where you stand.
  • I'll also email you a special subscribers-only bulletin called The Energy Letter every week at no extra charge. In addition to breaking news and market commentary, I use this bulletin to update my portfolio with new buy/sell recommendations.
  • First-class customer service. If you ever have a problem or a question, our Subscriber Services staff is here to help. Send us a quick email or call us toll-free. No matter which you choose, we'll do everything we can to make you happy.
  • My zero-risk guarantee. I want you to be 100% satisfied with The Energy Strategist. That's why I'm giving you three months to try it out and see everything it has to offer. If you aren't happy, let us know and we'll quickly issue you a full refund.

One more thing: As a subscriber, you also get to join our monthly online chats. You can "fire away" and ask specific questions about anything you want.

If you can't wait for one of these chats, just shoot me an email or post your question on our website. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Keep in mind, a package of investor services like ours typically costs $1,000 to $3,000 a year.

By contrast, The Energy Strategist's package of investor services (24 monthly issues delivered online, weekly website articles, immediate-action Flash Alerts via email, phone and email access to me personally) costs only $697 a year, easily one of the best bargains in all of financial publishing.

With this special invitation, you can start a no-risk one-year subscription for just $497. You save $200 from the get-go—with a full, 100% money-back guarantee.

Or here's a better idea: Try a quarterly subscription to The Energy Strategist for only $147—with a full three months to evaluate our recommendations.

Either way, you have a full 90 days to try it out risk-free. If you decide it's not for you, just let us know and we'll send you your money back—every penny of it. After 90 days, you can still get a refund for the unused portion of your subscription at any time you decide to cancel. (The special reports are yours to keep, along with my thanks for giving The Energy Strategist a try.)

Remember, the risk of trying The Energy Strategist is… zero.

If, over the next three months, you're not satisfied, I want you to ask for a full, 100% refund. (My new special report, Bounce-Back Energy Stocks—Get Them While They're (Temporarily) Down, is yours to keep, along with my thanks for giving The Energy Strategist a try.)

Time is of the essence. Investors will wake up and realize they panicked badly and sold energy stocks low—the opposite of Warren Buffett's investing rule.

They'll start buying again, and our bounce-back bargains will melt away as these stocks rise.

But buy them now and you'll reap bounce-back profits ranging from 30% on the one and only Google of oil and gas exploration, to 74% on the Bakken Gem.

Plus, two other unfairly beaten-down winners, one stock with a profit upside of 40% and the other looking at a monster profit upside of 64%!

Remember, the average PROFIT UPSIDE of all four energy stocks in your complimentary report is a whopping 52%.

I'm pretty sure Warren Buffett himself would smile at that number!

You'll find everything you need to know about these poised-to-rebound wealth-builders in Bounce-Back Energy Stocks—Get Them While They're (Temporarily) Down.

It's yours free just for taking a no-risk look at The Energy Strategist.

I hope to hear from you today, if possible—so I can give you immediate access to this time-sensitive new report absolutely FREE. Get it now.


Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier
Chief Investment Analyst, The Energy Strategist

P.S. As soon as you join The Energy Strategist, I'll rush you Bounce-Back Energy Stocks—Get Them While They're (Temporarily) Down. Don't miss these fast-breaking recommendations with an average profit upside of 52%. All are superb buys right now while they're way, way down, and a terrific way to get started with The Energy Strategist.

Make the right decision—activate your no-risk subscription to The Energy Strategist today.

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