Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why (Regular) Stocks Could Drop 50% in 2015

After months of denial, investors are awakening to reality: Economic growth is still slow, and corporate earnings are still shrinking. But we can almost guarantee that one group of 202 "irregular" stocks
won't be following the economy down.

Fellow Investor,

We don't normally pay much attention to the gloom-and-doomers of the market.

After over 25 years in stocks and achieving a 1,477% return for our long-standing clients, we are usually upbeat when it comes to what's ahead. We focus on the fundamentals of the market and the health of the business we're buying into, not the newest hype or fad. Which is precisely why we can't ignore the current news.

Financial markets, still inflated on cheap money from central bankers, are trying to deny the reality on the ground.

On the earnings front, we are seeing a sea of negative revenue surprises and weak guidance looking forward. You'd have to be living under a rock not to know that fourth-quarter energy profits will take a big hit, but what's more surprising is that companies that have nothing to do with energy are not performing as well as the market thinks. 80% of companies have issued negative guidance.

If there's been a traceable pattern to the U.S. stock market's biggest dips in recent years, it is this: Sell-offs have coincided with periods when the Federal Reserve was pulling back on its market-friendly stimulus programs.

Ever since the Fed began its unprecedented bond-buying program in late 2008, stocks tended to go up when the central bank was in the market supporting asset prices.

What Happens Now That the Fed Has Finally Stopped Buying Bonds?

Since November 2008, the Federal Reserve has been "stimulating" the economy and propping up our stock market by accumulating massive amounts of government bonds.

On October 29, 2014, the music stopped. The Fed's unprecedented bond-buying stimulus plan is history.

Now what?

Only one developed economy has tried this before.

That was Japan between 2001 and 2006. After Japan's stimulus program ended, Japanese stocks fell by 50% over the next two years.

Some analysts are already sounding the alarm.

As reported by Business Insider, a new report from the global head of Société Générale's asset allocation team explained that the unwinding of easy money policies and broken politics in Washington will prompt today's market to unravel.

Others are predicting far worse:

Nomura Securities strategist Bob Janjuah is warning that there "could be a 25% to 50% sell-off in global stock markets."

Peter Schiff, known as "Dr. Doom" for his accurate predictions of the 2008 housing market collapse, warns that the United States' current fiscal policy could push the country over a "financial cliff."

Schiff, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, believes that U.S. fiscal policy is fundamentally weak due to the federal government's inability to limit spending, leading to massive debt and a lack of growth.

So how about the stock market?

According to the respected Shiller P/E ratio, stocks are pricey. This market-measuring tool was popularized by Yale's Robert Shiller, who shared the Nobel Prize in economics in October 2013 for showing the predictability of stock prices over long periods of time.

The metric uses inflation-adjusted earnings per share over a trailing 10-year period. Right now it is suggesting that stocks are way too high by historical standards.

The Shiller P/E is at its highest levels since the dot-com era, even higher than Black Monday in 1987. We're now at 26.6 by this measure, compared to the 15-year historical average of 16.1.

And the current market cap of the stock market is bigger than the gross national product of the U.S. for just the third time in history. The last time that happened was in 2007, just before the financial crisis.

Seth Klarman, an American billionaire who founded the Baupost Group, a Boston-based private investment partnership, says the U.S. financial system is posed to collapse at any time: "If the economy is so fragile that the government cannot allow failure, then we are indeed close to collapse."

Most people understand that more than doubling our national debt over the past 10 years is a problem. They have an inkling that we're not on a healthy trajectory. They know that a society's wealth is not unlimited, and that if the economy is so fragile that the government cannot allow a bank or a corporation to fail, then we are indeed close to collapse.

We've all seen how easy it is for a mighty powerhouse like Lehman Brothers to evaporate in a matter of days.

If weak data continue to come in, Wall Street analysts will have no choice but to start issuing warnings to clients—creating a self-feeding cycle of selling and fear.

The Fed Is Making Life Miserable for Income Investors

I'm an income guy, a dividend lover, a coupon clipper… so I'm not a fan of what the Federal Reserve is doing to savers.

The Fed has dropped the federal funds rate to essentially zero, and it has promised to keep interest rates at ultra-low levels at least until mid-year.

By keeping interest rates so low, the Fed is absolutely crushing savers. Meanwhile, the inflation created by the Fed's Quantitative Easing program—which flooded the system with money and tripled our monetary base—is crippling millions of retired Americans on a fixed income.

Bottom line: The Federal Reserve has made it incredibly difficult to save for your own retirement or to live off your money.

Millions of Baby Boomers who diligently saved for retirement are finding that their accounts are paying out next to nothing.

Take a nest egg of $500,000 invested in a five-year Treasury bond. As recently as 2000, this would have yielded about 6.75% and an interest income of $33,750 a year. Now the same obligation is yielding 1.4% and paying $7,000 a year. That's a drop of 79%. And after you account for inflation, those who put money into savings accounts are actually losing money today.

The way to fight back is by choosing investments that throw off income that surpasses inflation—stocks with safe and growing yields of 4%, 5% and even 7% or more. Read on to find out how to keep your money safe and growing no matter what happens in the future.

Even die-hard bull Warren Buffett is being cautious and currently has his highest cash position ever. Buffett is on record as being very concerned about what the end of the Fed's tapering program means for stocks.

Are these the warning signs before the fall? Are small investors about to see their investment and retirement accounts crushed for the second time in six years?

The Real Economy Is in Trouble

Despite the stock market's new highs, clues to the real state of the economy are all around us.

The U.S. government has lost its triple-A credit rating... and the debt ceiling is becoming a constant problem.

46 million Americans are on food stamps, more than 1/7 of the U.S. population. Food-stamp rolls are growing seventy-five times as fast as employment.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49% of all Americans live in a home that receives direct monetary benefits from the federal government. Back in 1983, less than a third did.

More than 146 million Americans are either "poor" or "low income." The poverty rate is the highest since the 1960s.

The labor participation rate is the lowest since 1979, at 62.8%.

Almost 80% of the jobs created in the last five years are part-time jobs that won't pay the bills of an average middle-class lifestyle.

Decent jobs aren't being created because congressional deadlock caused businesses to cut back on investment and hiring.

And they have prompted consumers to spend less, making a slow economic recovery even slower.

Budget battles still dominate Congress, preventing Washington from doing anything constructive to actually help the economy.

And We're Not the Only Country in Trouble

The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global growth despite massive monetary stimulus by central banks throughout the world.

According to the IMF, a slowdown in economic growth in major emerging markets—namely China, Russia, India and Mexico—is creating a drag on overall global economic expansion.

What the IMF does not elaborate on (but should) is this point: Why are major economies engaging in unprecedented levels of fiscal stimulus and seeing, at best, marginal levels of economic growth?

If all that public debt and money printing can accelerate our economy above stall speed, the next major financial crisis to hit will be beyond the powers of even the most creative Treasury Secretary or central banker to contain.

It's Time to Play it Safe

I'm David Dittman—chief investment analyst at Utility Forecaster, the widely followed investment newsletter.

I'll be honest, I don't know for sure that stocks are about to crash—and no one else does either.

So I'm not telling you to stock up on canned food or buy a pile of gold and stuff it under a mattress. All I'm saying is let's play it safe.

I've spent decades building my nest egg, and it would kill me to see it all go poof—especially when I can prevent it in a few simple steps.

I want you to consider taking these same steps now, because D-Day for investors could arrive at any moment.

That's why I'm redoubling my focus on one group of 202 stocks that won't be following the market down. If anything, they are ready to take a big leap higher.

These businesses have solid earnings and positive growth. All but a handful are maintaining or increasing earnings guidance, and 122 have actually raised dividends in the past year.

Almost Bullet-Proof

As a group, these stocks are as close to a bullet-proof hideout for your money as you'll ever find.

They yield you up to 11.2% a year in cold cash and offer capital gains within two to three years of up to 100% on top of that.

Surprisingly, this rock-solid, sleep-at-night investment is also one of the most profitable long-term winners you'll find.

So don't let a panic on Wall Street wreck the future you've counted on for so long. If you prize high current income, outstanding growth potential and, above all, reliability, you can wave goodbye forever to dangerous stocks and stingy money-market rates... and say hello to a steadily growing safe haven for your money.

Welcome to Old-School Investing

I won't keep you waiting any longer. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm talking about the overlooked workhorses of Wall Street: utility stocks.

But not just any kind of utility... the old-school regulated kind.

These are the kinds of stocks our grandfathers used to buy: basic electricity, water and gas companies.

What other investment can you buy whose profits are mandated by law?
No other investment gives you all this...

  • Juicy dividends: They pay by far the highest dividends on Wall Street, easily twice the yield of the Dow Industrials.
  • Stress-free gains: You'll make your money at a steady pace with much less volatility in your portfolio.
  • Peace of mind: You can buy these "Steady Eddies" and lock them away for years.
  • Bear-market insurance: Utilities are the most recession-proof stocks you can buy.
  • Rock-solid value: They give you reliable earnings for a fraction of the market's P/E.
  • Retirement security: These cash-generating machines will mail you ever-growing checks for the rest of your life.

I can't imagine a more solid, can't-lose proposition than socking away some money in these high-yielding beauties. And when I say "can't-lose," I'm not just blowing smoke.

Because here's one more fact that few investors ever hear about: No regulated utility has ever gone out of business—EVER!

If that doesn't impress you, then you're pretty tough to please... or maybe you know something I don't. I certainly don't know any other investment that offers you such a powerful combination of benefits. Let's take a closer look at the three most important advantages:

1) Fat Dividends. The average utility in our income portfolio throws off a dividend yield of 4.6%. That's eight times what CDs pay and almost two times the dividend of the average stock. What's more, utilities usually increase that dividend faster than inflation every year, so your nest egg is always a step ahead of that silent wealth-killer. Plus, there are dozens of ways you can pocket dividends of 9% and 10% a year, by taking on just a smidgen of additional risk. These are the best income stocks you can own, bar none.

2) Superb Total Return. Few investors realize it, but with their high dividends and steadily rising prices, utilities have beaten the S&P 500 by 206% over the past 10 years. Tell that to anyone who says utilities are "stodgy stocks" for widows and orphans.

And unlike stocks that rely solely on capital gains to make their shareholders money, utility stocks put you immediately in the black with their 5% to 8% dividends.

3) Unparalleled Safety. Utilities are the most recession-proof stocks you can buy. Everyone buys electricity, not to mention heat, water and phone service, even when money is tight. They may cancel the Caribbean cruise, but they're not going to sit around in the dark taking cold showers with rainwater. That unwavering, nonstop demand is a luxury that very few providers of any product or service enjoy. When an investment like that passes your way, you grab it.

And what else do these resilient, old-fashioned wonders have in common? They are kicking the tar out of the market.

Since the market topped out in March 2000, they've posted a 293% gain, well above the S&P 500's 87%... and towering over the NASDAQ's measly 1%.

Your Life Jacket in a Market Storm

Time and again, utilities have offered a safe harbor in stormy markets. Just look at what happened in all of the most serious market reversals of recent years and you'll see how comforting this protection can be.

When the Dow and S&P 500 each shriveled by more than 19% in the fall of 1998, the average utility stock rose 4%.

And this buoyancy was no fluke.

After the market plunged in the dot-com crash of March 2000, utilities were up 42% nine months later... and have since risen by 293%.

Since the onset of the most recent bear market in November 2007—over one of the toughest periods in stock-market history—readers like you have added 86.7% in returns.

I won't pretend that utility prices never dip. They do.

Even our own picks take on a little water in market storms. But they bob around like corks on a wave compared to the sink-like-a-stone performance most equities turn in.

The plain proof of utilities' remarkable resilience is right in our portfolio.

As of this writing, 56 of the 57 picks in our portfolio are up. The one that is down is only down by 1.8%.

Check out the returns on some of our longest-held stocks...

Water Company +1,615%
Regulated Electric Co. +1,756%
Electricity Distributor +863%
Oil and Gas Co. +1,588%
Diverse Natural Resources +1,461%
Retail Electric Co. +1,615%
Natural Gas Pipeline +1,400%

Note that these are current, real-time profits, even after the huge slump of 2008-9. Which means you can rack up gains like these through good times and bad.

That's what I mean when I say Utility Forecaster lets you say "goodbye" forever to stock-market worries.

Let's Profit While Others Are Paralyzed by Fear

I don't blame you for being nervous in the current climate. But before you dump all your stocks and get out of the market entirely, I've got a better idea.

Today, I'm asking you to take a deep breath and look at the facts. Regulated utilities are not going out of business—the politicians won't let them. To top it off, they're in the business of supplying an infinite demand. Think about that every time you turn on the lights, take a shower or run the AC. If there's a surer bet than buying into these old-school standbys, I don't know what it is.

I've been through several market panics in my years of following this industry. Each time I've used the opportunity to stock up on quality utilities with regulated operations, guaranteed rates of return and generous dividends.

These stocks can get you through anything because, simply put, there is no substitute for utilities.

Can you picture a day when you call up your power company and say, "No, thanks, I'm all good here"?

Or your telephone or Internet provider? How about your water company?

For most Americans, the day when we no longer need utilities to provide us the necessities of life is far off, if it ever arrives.

That's one reason utilities are such a can't-miss, long-term investment. Constant demand is a luxury that very few businesses enjoy.

Janet Yellen Is Also Pitching In

Paradoxically, today's weak economy is another reason to like utilities... because a weak economy actually helps utility companies.

As I've pointed out, to try to goose the economy, Fed Chair Janet Yellen and her crew are keeping interest rates near zero for now. That's a kick in the teeth for savers, but it's a huge boost for capital-intensive industries like utilities.

Water, telecom, power and pipeline companies all need to borrow big to finance their massive infrastructure projects. Today's historically low interest rates are cutting financing costs for those projects by 30% to 50%. This translates into a huge boost to the bottom line.

Add it all up and you can see that utilities offer you the best of both worlds—safe and stable cash cows with little or no competition, plus vast new opportunities for growth even when most of the economy is on the ropes.

When Boring is Beautiful

I'll be the first to admit that utilities aren't the most exciting asset class around. But buy into these dependable Steady Eddies and you'll see why "boring is beautiful." One of my readers puts it this way:

"Utilities are sort of boring and it's more fun to speculate in biotechs, but I have made far more money, consistently, with UF picks than any other newsletter. For someone approaching retirement, it's a no-brainer. It's also very cheap, an incredible value."

It all adds up to a sweet deal for investors... especially these days with everyone biting their nails about the possible fallout of rising interest rates and inflation.

History proves that inflation will eat the heart out of any broad market rally, no exceptions. But utilities usually raise your quarterly cash dividends faster than inflation year after year. So by and large, you'll be immune to inflation—a cushy situation indeed.

But utility stocks can do a lot more for you than just beat inflation.

In his landmark book, What Works on Wall Street, James O'Shaughnessy presented a powerful endorsement of utility stocks.

He found that a utility portfolio is not only far safer than owning "the market" but over the long haul it blew away other investment options.

From 1968 to 2010, if you had invested $10,000 in the market, you would have ended up with a nest egg of $637,408. Not bad.

But O'Shaughnessy discovered that if you had invested the same sum in these high-yielding utility stocks that scored well on a handful of valuation factors, you would have had a stunning $5.7 million.

Welcome to Never-Ending Income

Over 25 years ago, we founded the specialized investment advisory Utility Forecaster. We've been spreading the word about the remarkable wealth-building power of utility stocks ever since.

The focus on tried-and-true regulated utilities has produced market-beating gains along with a relaxed approach to wealth-building that has proven irresistible to thousands of unstressed investors.

Not every stock we cover is regulated. We look at a broad range of essential-service stocks. On top of the classic gas, water and electric companies, we also look for high-yielding plays in telecoms, pipelines and cable—both here and abroad.

The news I want to give you today is that we've discovered a dozen healthy essential-service utility companies—the kind that will pay you 7% a year and grow forever—now selling at sickly prices.

These companies are fine, mind you. It's just their stock prices that are hurting.

I've written up these odds-on winners in a new special report that I'd like to send you free.

We Like Our Yields High and Rising

Right now the conservative stocks in our Income Portfolio are paying 4.3%. And that's just the average. You'll find yields of up to 7.6% in this portfolio... and up to 14.5% in our larger "How They Rate" overview of the entire utility sector.

Those are great payouts, but what you have to realize is that the companies we focus on not only pay generous dividends, they raise them constantly.

So your quarterly "paycheck" steadily rises, too. A modest 5% yield on a super-safe electric company can turn into a 10% yield within five years when the company is aggressive about raising its payout.

I love finding situations like that, and we find plenty of them. In fact, the holdings in our portfolio have boosted their dividends more than three times as fast as the market as a whole.

With dividend growth like that, you can make staggering profits even if the share price never budges. Your dividend check can eventually grow so large that it surpasses the original price you paid for the stock. The exhilaration of "lapping" your stock that way is a feeling you never forget.

Let Me Show You the Very Best in Our New Special Report—Free

We cover 202 publicly traded electric, telephone, water and natural gas companies in the U.S. and around the world. And I'm not exaggerating when I say scores of them will churn out annual 13% gains like clockwork well into this decade. But a good number will double and triple in value.

So with your permission, I'd like to send you a free special report called Old School Stars: 5 Unstoppable Back-to-Basics Utility Stocks, which reveals the meat-and-potatoes utility stocks that will give you the highest returns, including a few that are poised to appreciate as much as $4-to-$1 in the next two years. This breakthrough report—which we've prepared exclusively for readers of this special issue—reveals:

  • The dividend juggernaut—This overlooked dynamo has hiked its dividend every year since starting ops in 1998, shedding bear markets like water off a duck. Up 1,756% since inception, it has impeccable financial strength, and cash flow covers capital costs by a healthy margin. Up another 32% in the past 12 months, it should have no trouble giving you double-digit returns for years to come.
  • America's #1 cash machine—This company is so profitable it seems almost unfair—until you realize you can get in on the act yourself. Up 249% in the past 10 years, the company raised its dividend by 4.8% last year and is now yielding 7.1%. You can buy this one and lock it away.
  • The biggest bargain on the New York Stock Exchange—This one has already rung up an 863% profit since I first recommended it, and it's still a strong buy. It's snapping up smaller competitors across six states, and it has one of the surest dividends you'll ever find. It has paid consecutive quarterly dividends for 42 straight years, and has raised its dividend 13 years in a row.
  • The 70-bagger—This utility is booming because it serves the fastest-growing population center in the country. At its core is a huge, secure utility operation in the growing south, where regulators remain staunchly pro-business. Since I recommended it in 1994, its stock is up an astounding 1,615%, and there's no end in sight.
  • One of the most innovative and investor-friendly utilities in the world—I've held it for 10 years and it hasn't disappointed me yet. The real story here is its ability to grow in all markets... and its outstanding yield of 6.5%. Back up the truck on this one because it's an almost guaranteed 100% gainer.

The stocks you'll find in my Old School Stars report are true mattress stuffers—the kind you can buy and forget about. Mark my words, in the next three to five years, they will throw off dividends and capital gains of at least 100% as a group. For every dollar you put into them now, you'll have two dollars in your pocket... and you'll be doing it by buying businesses that literally can't fail.

I'll tell you exactly how to get the full details on every one of these gems at the end of this article. But first, let me tell you how you can get opportunities like this brought right to your doorstep every month.

Join the Quiet Fortune-Builders with Utility Forecaster

If anything I've said so far makes sense to you... if you think that I'm even half right about the extraordinary profits and peace of mind old-school utilities will bring their lucky owners over the next few years... then I'd like to tell you more about the most comprehensive source of information you can get—my Utility Forecaster advisory letter.

Utility Forecaster is the only periodical devoted exclusively to helping you make money in utilities. Nowhere will you find a more thorough ranking of your utility investment options than in the 12 pages of this monthly investment bulletin. You'll find mention of every significant publicly-traded utility in the world in every issue.

We started Utility Forecaster over 25 years ago because there was a crying need for someone to spread the word about these dependable fortune-builders. Millions of individual investors who should be in these vehicles are not—and they are losing out on billions in safe and steady profits.

These stocks have saved the financial lives of countless shareholders, sparing them from a grim future.

They give you a priceless opportunity to sit back and enjoy life instead of sweating out the market's ups and downs.

This stress-free approach to wealth has made thousands of Utility Forecaster readers wealthy. Just look at our portfolio results below for a complete recap of our current gains.

Of course, the only performance record that really counts is what Utility Forecaster does for YOU. So if you prize a high current income, outstanding growth and, above all, safety, I'd like to invite you to join me and my 19,000+ subscribers who use Utility Forecaster to harness the wealth-building power of these financial juggernauts.

Come on board with us now and you can put these tireless income earners to work for you immediately. You'll see how to...

  • Find utilities so safe that you'll never worry about your money again...
  • Pocket 10% to 30% gains within weeks by jumping into locked-in takeover deals...
  • Accelerate the growth of your nest egg by paying zero commission and buying a dollar of stock for 95 cents...
  • Instantly own 30 utility stocks for as little as $250...
  • Retire with a hefty portfolio of utility stocks (almost guaranteed if you can come up with $250 per month)...
  • Tap into utilities with astronomical growth rates...
  • Judge how high a yield can go before it becomes a danger signal...
  • Manipulate your dividends to create substantial wealth...
  • Hitch your wagon to turnaround plays in progress that could triple your money in short order.

What We'll Do for You Every Month in Utility Forecaster

You can count on us to perform three major tasks in every issue of Utility Forecaster:

1. We thoroughly analyze the latest numbers on every publicly owned utility in the nation. We project future performance and give you specific recommendations. And we follow up on previous picks.

2. We uncover the top growth prospects. Is the utility involved in any money-making venture outside its bread-and-butter business? Is it tapping into new technologies and power sources? What kind of risk is it taking for growth?

3. We make sure your dividend is SAFE. We put cash flow under an analytical microscope. We dig deep to reveal which yields are treasures and which are traps.

Safety Is Everything

This last point is vital, because it means you get an early warning if any of your money is in danger. We're fanatical about digging out bad news.

Whenever there's trouble brewing in a utility you own, you'll hear about it right away. Whether it's a shrinking customer base, antagonistic regulators or a spike in construction costs, we want to alert you to the problem in plenty of time to protect your money.

Utility Forecaster Performance Review

Average total return: +232%

Sometimes a single number can speak louder than thousands of words. With an average total return of 232% on all current positions, that's all many people ever need to know about the effectiveness of Utility Forecaster's investment system.

Below we recap Utility Forecaster's current Growth and Income Portfolio recommendations, exactly as they appear in the most recent issue of Utility Forecaster. As you can see, we divide the growth portfolio into two sections, tailoring our picks for conservative and aggressive investors.

Note the high average total return of each portfolio, proof of the steady enriching power of these tireless wealth-builders.

GROWTH PORTFOLIO (27 positions)

Goal: To generate high total returns.
Average total return: Conservative—323%; Aggressive—388%
Average yield: 3.3%

INCOME PORTFOLIO (29 positions)

Goal: High current yield, safety and ability for dividend growth to beat inflation.
Average total return: Conservative—34%; Aggressive—198%
Average yield: 4.6%

COMBINED SUMMARY (56 positions)

Average total return: 232%
Average yield: 3.9%

It may be a cliché, but recent events have proved once again that the first rule in making money is not to lose it. After seeing huge amounts of investors' wealth wiped out in a horrific bear market, we'll do anything to make sure your money is in a safe place. After all, we've got money in these stocks, too. And nothing sets off our warning signals louder than evasive accounting.

While most companies we follow issue straightforward financial statements, every now and then we smell a rat. And when we do, we go straight to the CEO.

In one of the first issues, we predicted that the dividend of a large Midwestern utility was in danger. The CEO wrote a scathing letter threatening a lawsuit if we didn't retract the statement. We would do nothing of the kind. A year later the company slashed its dividend. Shareholders who didn't get the warning saw their investment plunge. Of course, no Utility Forecaster subscriber was in that boat when it went over the falls.

That early experience is why so many Utility Forecaster readers now turn immediately to the monthly Dividend Watch List—our "blacklist" of companies that are in jeopardy of running out of cash to pay dividends.

Last year alone, our early warning system repeatedly bailed my subscribers out of danger. In fact, 12 of the 17 stocks on my Dividend Watch List at the beginning of the year sure enough cut their dividends.

Timing is everything in these shaky situations. When a dividend cut sneaks up on investors, the result is a devastating plunge in share prices. By getting out of a company before it announces a dividend cut, you escape a whole lot of heartache.

Every Stock We Buy Passes Through Our Utility Boot Camp

To add yet another level of protection, we put every utility through an analytical boot camp before we even think about recommending it to you.

This innovation is a point of pride for all of us at Utility Forecaster. In fact, much of the credit for our 25+-year record of outperformance goes to this strict rating system.

While the rating system itself is complex, its results are crystal clear. Your investment life will never be simpler.

You'll know where to put the money and when and where to move it around. You won't trade much. Why should we fritter away our money on commissions, taxes and bid/ask spreads?

That's plain dumb. After all, the biggest profits are always made by the steady momentum of compounding. I want you to get rich—not your broker.

Allowing the steady momentum of compounding to work its magic over time has made us our biggest profits. That patience has helped us rack up an average gain of 232% on the 56 positions currently in our portfolio.

Numbers like that attract attention. Utility Forecaster has won the Newsletter Publishers Foundation's "Best Financial Advisory Newsletter" award twice in the past six years, beating out hundreds of other advisories.

In Kiplinger's 2014 "The Best List," Utility Forecaster was named the stock newsletter with the best investment advice.

Hulbert Financial Digest recently named Utility Forecaster the #1 top-returning financial advisory in the nation over the past 10 years for risk-adjusted returns.

And my publisher reports that Utility Forecaster has the highest renewal rate in the industry. You don't get so many repeat customers unless you deliver on your promises.

This Is All We Do... So We Need to Be Good

At Utility Forecaster, all we do is help you profit from utilities. We report to no one but you. If our recommendations don't increase your wealth, we know we will lose your trust and your readership. And we'd deserve to.

Utility Forecaster is scrupulously independent. We accept no advertising. Nobody owns us. And we track all of our recommendations, so you always know how much money we're making for you.

We have one purpose and one purpose only—safely making you wealthy, without a lot of nail biting and with never more than a thimbleful of risk.

On the contrary, when you try Utility Forecaster, the risk is all ours. (Try getting your broker to take a risk.) You don't risk a penny with our 100% money-back guarantee.

Start Your Own Cash Machine Today!

So what do you say? Are you ready to put a little capital in Wall Street's overlooked millionaire-maker? If your answer is "yes," I'll make it very easy for you to get started.

First, I'll send you the free special report I mentioned earlier, Old School Stars: 5 Unstoppable Back-to-Basics Utility Stocks, which describes in full detail the mouthwatering opportunities I've mentioned in this article.

This report explains why utilities are the most misunderstood investments in America, and reveals five stocks that give you safe yields reaching 7.1%, and that could double or triple your money within two years.

This breakthrough report retails for $25 a copy. But I'll send it to you free when you take a trial look at the service that brings these tireless wealth-builders to your door every month: Utility Forecaster.

Second, to give you a sample of the unique research we do here, I'd like to send you a complimentary copy of a fascinating little "white paper" we're just now releasing, Quadruple Your Income Overnight.

This report reveals 10 ultra-safe utilities that are raising dividends, growing earnings by the high double digits and pouring on the capital gains.

A few are on my "Buy Now" list, and others are on our watch list until we see the perfect buy price. When we do, you'll be the first to know, in an email alert that we'll send you right away.

You get the whole story, stock picks and all, in your free copy of Quadruple Your Income Overnight. (Note: I have prepared three more reports you can also get free by subscribing to Utility Forecaster today.)

You'll also receive our report entitled The Gatekeepers: Three Companies that Control the Future of Natural Gas in America. Together, these three companies could do for you what Southern Company, Exelon and Aqua America did for us way back in 1994: launch you on a lifetime of high income and growing wealth. (Note: We have prepared three more reports you can also get free by subscribing to Utility Forecaster today. Read on for details.)

Join Us Now and Save $50 or $119—Your Choice!

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If you want to put your money to work in a tireless investment that will never stop paying you back, please join me today in this "push-button" money-maker—all you need is a subscription to Utility Forecaster and a mailbox to pick up your dividend checks.

With best wishes for safe profits,

David Dittman
David Dittman, Chief Investment Strategist
Utility Forecaster

P.S. Remember, you save more and get more with a two-year subscription! Join us for a double term and save a full $119 off the regular price... plus get three additional free investment reports: Broadband Billions, Liquid Gold Rush and Bounceback Dream List.

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