Sunday, January 4, 2015

- Marketplace Review

As part of our ongoing effort to provide you with the safety and profits you require, here's a look at some of the top investment strategies we've uncovered that will deliver big yields under any market conditions.

No More Guessing

Jim Pearce

No More GuessingTwo years ago, we started testing a new investing system. It made 58% more money than its benchmark. So now we're taking it public.

The beautiful thing about this system is that it takes every scrap of guesswork and every iota of emotion out of my investment decisions.

You can use our formula on any day and on any stock and you'll know if it is time for you buy it, sell it or do nothing. That's a priceless feeling of confidence. If you can use a simple tool like this to make better decisions about when to get in and out of a stock, why not use it?

Historic Power Revolution Happening Under the Radar

Robert Rapier

Historic Power Revolution Happening Under the RadarIt's the biggest power shift since millions of Americans switched from oil lamps to electric lights.

Most investors don't even know it's happening. Yet it's changing the world of energy and will create a whole new generation of millionaires. Full details here.

Obama's Parting Gift to Investors?

David Dittman

Obama's Parting Gift to Investors?You might not expect a gift from a chastened Obama – but here it comes: The president will approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. The massive GOP midterm victory seals the deal. With a weak economy, Obama will face severe pressure from victorious Republicans, moderate Democrats, and labor unions. Result: Obama will sneak Keystone approval past its opponents. Join us as we get rich from the torrent of Canadian black gold that will boost share prices of a select group of stocks – many of which are NOT oil stocks. Go here.

This Year's Hottest Trade

Jim Fink

This Year's Hottest TradeI've found a tiny $5 tech stock that has the potential to turn every $10,000 invested into $214,290. There's still time to get in on the action, but you need to hurry. Every day you wait could literally cost you thousands of dollars in profits. It's perfectly priced, and its long-term prospects have never been better. And I expect that rocket ride to take off soon. Gains of 2,042% are not out of the question. But only if you click here to get the details.

Want a Quick $800 Today?

Jim Fink

Want a Quick $800 Today?I'm making $226 a day! Every day. For the past 1,248 days! And it took me on average one minute and 17 seconds of my time every day. My profits are a mind-boggling, whopping $282,320. I can show you how to rake in $226 a day, too. You can even use what I know to put a quick $800 in your bank account today. Making money investing this way in the market is the easiest thing I ever did. You simply have to… Read more.

Are You Paying TOO Much for That Stock?

Richard Stavros

Are You Paying TOO Much for That Stock?Yes, the stock market is having a banner year. But the simple truth is: It's overheated – especially dividend stocks. The first half of 2014 saw almost $30 billion in dividend increases alone. As a result, eager investors have plowed into these U.S. stocks and prices have skyrocketed. That's a problem. You could be overpaying by 60% on your next stock purchase.

But…amazing, cheap income opportunities still abound if you're willing to think globally. I have 5 income opportunities that are still available at bargain prices with big dividends…such as 10.05%, 10.10%, 10.32% and more. They're worth a look. Details here.

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