Saturday, October 11, 2014

Got 9 minutes a week to spare?

I'll show you how you can collect at least $6,833 every month – GUARANTEED – using a fast-growing retirement strategy that's popular with the over-50 crowd. It's so easy that Reuters calls it the "new Baby Boomer hobby." And it's so profitable that Forbes says it's "like finding money in the street."

Details here.

Making Sense of Spinoffs

A spinoff wave has swept over Wall Street, and the trend is set to continue into 2015. Here's what you need to know. - READ MORE

Canada's Jagged Jobs Edge

The country can finally boast a blockbuster jobs report that even holds up below the headlines. - READ MORE

Google, Apple and Microsoft are investing in this… you should, too!

$3 billion is a lot of money. Even for Google. Yet they didn't flinch this past year when they invested that much in a new technology that's creating a $600 billion market. That's twice the GDP of Singapore!

It's bold, calculated moves like these that have made Google arguably the most successful company of the past decade while its competition shriveled up and died. Apple and Microsoft are also making investments to grab their share of this massive new market.

Don't sit on the sidelines and watch others get rich. Grab your share of the pie by

going here.

Stock Alert: Get Ready to Profit From the "Next Disney"

Investors who bought Disney back in 1971 pocketed $126,000 for every $1,000 they put down. Here's why history could be about to repeat. - READ MORE

Disrupting the Disruptors

Capital markets are shunning big bets on disruptive technologies such as battery storage. - READ MORE

Change of the Seasons

Small-cap stocks often underperform at this time of year, but they come roaring back. - READ MORE

With Trusts, It Pays to Verify

Beware stock screeners that are only as good as their data. In the case of Whiting USA Trust, the apparent value is a mirage. - READ MORE

Obama Turned Down Cheap Oil!

You may not know it but Canada has five times more oil than we do. And they want us to take it all.

Our president is stalling, though… and sadly, he's doing it for political reasons.

But not for long. Canada has forced his hand, and he's about to open the gateway that will unleash $20 trillion of energy on the American market.

I'll give you the full story, including how to profit from it,

when you click here.

U.S. Stocks Battle Global Slowdown

The strength of the dollar is a mixed blessing. - READ MORE

Upstream or Up the Creek?

The oil and gas drillers among MLPs have hit a rough patch lately amid falling crude prices. Those focused on natural gas should find it easier to keep paying their lofty yields. - READ MORE

The Secret to Solid Emerging Market Holdings

Wise investors will search for countries with current account surpluses. - READ MORE

The Problem With a Strong Dollar

The need to diversity globally has never been greater - READ MORE

Powerful New Formula Pinpoints High-Dividend Yields!

I've pulled the wraps off a formula I've spent the last decade perfecting. It immediately zeroed in on a company that yields 10.32%. But that isn't the only double-digit yield it's found. Its first run has also turned up companies with stocks that yield 10.10%, 10.05%, 5.9% and 5.2%. And if you're thinking these are poor-performing companies that pay big yields to hide something else… think again. My proprietary formula has a way to weed stocks like that out. If you want the lucrative details – including which company is responsible for payouts of up to $17,179…

follow this link.

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