Saturday, January 31, 2015

Make Big Money – Without Big Risk

Investing doesn't have to be confusing – or scary. Just like a casino that makes it easy to get in and hard to get out, the labyrinth of special terms and hard-to-follow rules that Wall Street has put in place are there for one purpose only – to ensure they keep as much of your money as possible.

You can skip right past that, though – if you follow the three simple rules I'd like to show you today. I've spent 26 years perfecting them. And I can tell you with absolute certainty they work. How? The first time I tested them out, I banked a cool $127,344 profit on a single trade.

I'll show you how you can start using the system for yourself today.

Just click here to get started.

Shire's Energy

The biopharmaceutical leader just won an important legal victory. - READ MORE

The World''s Central Banks Blink

The Bank of Canada is hardly alone in its about-face on monetary policy. - READ MORE

Profit from a $30 Trillion Wave of Change

China and India are in the midst of what researchers are calling "the biggest opportunity in the history of capitalism." They're talking about the explosion of the middle class in both countries. It's a group of consumers that will outnumber the population of our entire country by 7 to 1 in the next few years.

I've found five stunningly easy ways to profit without ever touching a share of risky Chinese or Indian stocks.

Get the insanely profitable details here.

Healthy Returns

An up-close look at a rising investment trend—and a group of companies poised to benefit. - READ MORE

Europe Will Thrive, With or Without Greece Getting the Boot

Two developments in the last week have shaken up European markets. One was the announcement by the European Central Bank that it will buy $68 billion monthly of bonds until September 2016. The other was leftist Alexis Tsipris' Syriza party's victory in the Greek elections. - READ MORE

Tech Goes Higher

This technology wholesaler has strong relationships with both Microsoft and Apple. - READ MORE

Winning IRA Strategies for 2015

Too many people leave money on the table when managing their IRAs. That's a shame, since IRAs are among the most valuable assets most people own. Resolve this year to review the IRA strategies discussed here and adopt those that will improve the management and after-tax value of your IRA. - READ MORE

How to Create a Steady Paycheck for Your Golden Years

In retirement, the average American couple will need $3,000 per month just to get by. That doesn't sound like a lot until you consider the fact that you may well live to be 100 – that adds up to $1.26 million you'll need.

And that doesn't even include medical bills.

Here's the solution. In addition to building a lump-sum nest egg, create a stream of steady, reliable paychecks that pay out until the day you die – even if you live to be 120.

Here's an easy way to create your steady Golden Years Paychecks.

Upstream Scrambles, Midstream Deals

We answer subscriber queries about Energy Transfer, Kinder Morgan and the oil price plunge. - READ MORE

The Quest for Midstream Scale

The energy downturn presents upside opportunities for midstream companies with strong balance sheets and asset bases supportive of long-term growth. - READ MORE

The New Normal – Six Years Later

How many of the dire predictions of 2009 have come true? - READ MORE

Taking Advantage of Oil Prices

Hedging crude is not for amateurs. But even novice investors can profit by blending a solid yield like Chevron's into a retirement account. - READ MORE

Read Only If You're a Non-Billionaire

Did you know there are certain swift-moving, opportunistic stocks that master investors Buffett, Lynch and others bought to kick-start their wealth early in their careers? But now these Wall Street stars can't invest in these stocks anymore – they're too wealthy. But you can! If you're a non-billionaire, these stocks can change your whole life. Take a look.

Click here.

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